Page 67 of King of Hell

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Paimon smirks. “Sorry, love. Wrong damned creature. Silver isn’t quite as potent on me. Still hurts like a bitch, though.” Paimon looks to Lauren?iu for permission. “Can I have the husband? He’s getting on my nerves.”

“Be my guest.”

The demon king regards Lauren?iu adoringly and claps his hands excitedly. “Thank you.” Paimon raises his hand, and Nick raises his gun.

Paimon snaps, and a shower of red bursts where Nick once stood, scraps of his pajamas propelling through the air.

A shower of gore coats them all, as well as the bed, walls, and furniture.

Anthony, now freshy a widower, is frozen when he stares at the scattered remains of his husband of many years; his husband drips off him.

Horror. Grief that shocks the system to where even crying is impossible when all you need to do is scream.

A stab of arousal between Lauren?iu’s thigh. This is better than any of his feedings. Thank God. This was worth what time he spent in the hot mire of blood, constantly shoving and biting other souls that tried to drag him under.

Adrian covers their mouth and suppresses a laugh.

“Poor baby,” they say with mock sympathy.

Anthony doesn’t look at them, though; his attention is all on Lauren?iu, which unsettles him a little and dampens his enjoyment.

“Why?” asks Anthony, and a flash of fury overcomes Lauren?iu.

“Mama died, and I wasn’t allowed to go to her funeral. Did you go? Did you ever tell her what you did to me?”

Anthony stares with wide, dead eyes. “She—I’d talk to her. She moved away, but I don’t remember her dying. I did try to look for her when everything was falling apart, when the plague broke out, but I didn’t hear—we kept in touch. She was alive before then. After, I looked for an obituary online, anything, but I couldn’t find a trace of her.”

The staff could’ve lied to him to keep him from being surly and trying to run off. If he had no one, what motivation did he

He remembers his rampage, his escape, before he ran far away.

I’m glad I busted the jellies of their eyes. They treated me like a caged mouse. Except there are regulations when a mouse is under scientific observation.

They lied to him to crush his spirit, to keep him from escaping, but it didn’t work.

Lauren?iu’s voice cracks. “S-she. She’s still alive?”

Anthony blinks slowly, trembling. “I don’t know. A lot has happened. But I never heard that she died.”

Genuine, Lauren?iu replies, “Thank you for letting me know.”

“Of course.” A whisper. “You’re welcome.” He drags his hands down his bloody face. “What do I have to live for without him?”

Lauren?iu says softly, “You would’ve outlived him eventually. Perhaps I should leave you here.”

Earnestly, through tears and phlegm, Anthony says, “But. I, I wanted t-to thank you.”

Lauren?iu scowls. “Why?”

“You could’ve told everyone what I did to you. You would’ve been right to. It would’ve put us in the same position. I appreciate that you kept my secret, even when I was too cowardly to do anything. You gave me mercy that I didn’t deserve. I should have...I should’ve cared more.”

Lauren?iu considers the words, and then he snarls. “Shut up.” Tears leak from his eyes.

Mama, those college nights that tasted like soda and mozzarella sticks.

Lauren?iu steps forward, and again, and again, until he’s toe to toe with Anthony.

In another life, maybe this.
