Page 66 of King of Hell

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Despite his age, the husband swiftly opens the nightstand drawer and jerks out a revolver. Blessed, Lauren?iu is guessing. It’s more of a threat to him than Paimon. He tenses, remembering what happened.

He has Paimon; Paimon won’t let anything happen to him.

Anthony was always much taller than Lauren?iu; he might be more imposing if he wasn’t wearing pajamas with cartoon frogs on them.

Anthony doesn’t grab a weapon like his husband. Instead, his eyes fall on Lauren?iu. He tenses, stares, not comprehending for a long moment while his husband takes a defensive position.



Anthony looks around at the others. “Who are...” He’s stopped by Lauren?iu’s glare, all his hatred pulsing through his veins. Paimon and Adrian are his people. Daisy might as well be his dog, too. Anthony has no right to look at them.

Anthony reaches out in contrition, and Lauren?iu lurches back. “L, please. I know--we’ve had a nice life here where we don’t bother anyone.”

Lauren?iu sneers. “How noble. I’m sure it makes up for ruining my life.”

“That was so long ago, and you—how did you—”

“How am I here after you killed me for a second time? It’s none of your business.”

So long ago. It could be a thousand years later, and he’d still be angry. He wonders if the fallen angels are like this, suspended in grief they can never move past because the way things are reminds them constantly of their losses.

“You have to understand. I did care, but I didn’t know what to do, and I was scared. I was a novice myself, and I couldn’t just bust into a hospital. It wasn’t easy for me.”

“Not even a phone call?”

Anthony blinked, “I, I was afraid of being caught. Of being arrested, or worse. My life would’ve been ruined.”


Peace. After ruining Lauren?iu’s life and abandoning him, all Anthony wanted was peace, to not bother anyone else, which sounds like a horrible motivation. Boring. Lauren?iu can never relate to wanting less.

I want to be everyone’s goddamn problem.

“I wish you had forgiven me.”

Lauren?iu sneers. “I bet you do.”

“Not for me, but for yourself.”

Lauren?iu bristles. “Always that sanctimonious line. If you cared about me, you never would’ve put me in that position.”

“It rots your soul to be hateful and refuse to forgive. If you learned how to turn the other cheek, you wouldn’t be so bitter.” Funny how forgiveness is always brought up during the most inconvenient time—the consequences of one’s actions. “No wonder Anthony left you.”

Even Anthony gives a start. “Nick...”

Lauren?iu mockingly checks his arms and torso. “Hm. I seem to be doing fine.” Hopefully, up in Heaven, his mother would forgive him for his next words. “Du-te-n pizda ma-tii.”

He’s not entirely sure if Paimon moves or something else, but Nick startles, and he raises his gun and a shot rings in Lauren?iu’s ears. After the initial shock, he sees a smoke.

Paimon stares down at the hole in his shoulder, suppurating a black smoke. “Really? Must you treat the Armani like that? Tsk.” He looks pitifully at the vampire with a fake pout. “Why do they always shoot me first?”

Lauren?iu’s vision narrows, and all he sees is red.

This idiot with a bad mullet wouldn’t kill the King of Hell. Not even any of the angels above would, if Lauren?iu had a say. I would eat a thousand of them. They’d need a hundred golden spears to kill me. Whatever Paimon did in Heaven would be nothing.

“Aren’t you...” Nick’s face is ashen white. “This usually incapacitates...”
