Page 77 of Once Upon a Beast

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“And the tights?”

She sashayed closer, lifted his red tunic, and gave his butt a squeeze.

“Scrumptious,” she said, her brows doing a little dance.

Isaac groaned. “I appreciate the compliment—if that’s truly what it was—but I don’t know how I feel about prancing around like this in front of your family.”

“Would you rather I pull out the Mrs. Potts costume?” she asked innocently. “I thought for sure you’d rather be a huntsman, but if tea kettles are more your style…”

He raised his hands in defeat. “No, I’m good. Well, as good as I can be, given that I’m wearing tights.”

Del laughed. “Stop, you look quite dashing. And if it makes you feel any better, Faye talked Pops into going as the genie from Aladdin. He’ll be painted blue from head to toe. And I think he’ll be in a much skimpier tunic than you.”

“I’m not sure I want to see that.”

“I know it’s crazy, but this is our thing. My family, we do a lot of stuff together. And if you haven’t noticed by now, we have a lot of fun in the process.” She came to stand before him, batting her eyes as she took both his hands in hers. “Please be Gaston for me tonight.”

He studied her for a moment, then looked to the ceiling with a heavy sigh. “Fine. For you, I’ll wear the silly tights.”

“And the wig?”

“There’s a wig that goes with this getup, too?”

“Yep, your ponytail is nearly as long as mine.” She grinned. “Here, I’ll help you put it on.”

She stepped around a snoring Louie—who looked adorable in his blue velvet smoking jacket—to dig through the pile of packages on their bed. After a bit of searching, Del found the dark-haired wig. She walked it over to Isaac, then motioned for him to sit on her hope chest to bring him to a more manageable height. The hairpiece was cheaply made, and likely as itchy as the one she had on, too, but it was needed to complete the look.

“It’s a good thing I love you,” he grumbled as she tugged it over his real hair.

“You know, if you hadn’t cut your hair before moving back to New York, you wouldn’t have needed a wig.”

“I’ll be honest, I kinda miss having my hair longer. Which way do you like it best?”

Del leaned closer to straighten his wig and whispered in his ear, “Long enough for me to run my fingers through it.”

He pulled her into his lap and nuzzled the soft spot beneath her ear. “Hmm. So how long is this hayride thing supposed to last?”

“Not too long, Brooklyn’s got school tomorrow.” She kissed him, then slipped out of his grasp to finish primping. If they started making out now, they’d never make the party—and everyone there would know why. “We’ll do the hayride, then a bonfire with smores and hot apple cider. Mia should be bringing her semi-famous apple crisp, too.”

“Apple crisp? Is it as good as Gina’s cobbler?”

Del laughed as she set the last of his bobby pins in place. Thank goodness she’d fallen for someone with a sweet tooth as bad as hers.

“Depends who you ask. Personally? I think it’s better.”

“Better than Sweet Mash cobbler? Then what are we waiting for, woman? It’s time to take this show on the road.” Isaac roused Louie and made the motion forcar ride. The bully started his happy wiggle dance, then trotted after his hungry human into the front hall. Delaney grabbed the basket of books that went with her costume and followed them out, counting her blessings that everything had worked out for both the bookstore—and her heart—in the end.

The End
