Page 20 of Kian

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She approached the next dog. He slapped his paw down on her leg like he was trying to tell her something.

“Your paw hurts?” she asked him.

She could sense Bill’s head popping up across the barn floor.

But nothing was wrong that she could find.

“That’s Apollo,” Bill said fondly. “He gives you his paw like he’s trying to tell you something. But he’s just sayingthank youfor his dinner. Nothing is wrong. Check him anyway, though, of course.”

She did, and Bill was right. No injuries.

When she gave Apollo a scratch behind the ears to say goodbye, he licked her from her chin to her forehead.

“He’s a lover, not a fighter,” Bill said as she laughed.

Finally feeling at peace with her task, Kinsley moved on to another dog, enjoying the quiet work and the sweetness of the big animals.

* * *

An hour later,they had checked over each dog, and given them all food and water.

They headed out of the barn just as Hank was jogging out to tell them supper was ready. The three of them walked back to the longhouse together, and Hank opened the door. The most delicious scent wafted out and had her rushing inside to find out what it was.

“Roasted venison,” Deputy Chigum said proudly. “In a lichen-wine reduction.”

“Amazing,” Kinsley said, smiling.

She had no idea what any of that would taste like, but she was hungry enough to eat whatever was put in front of her.

She felt a little shiver of awareness and turned to see that Kian was approaching.

“The whelp is sleeping in her cradle,” he told her.

She glanced back and saw that the cradle was floating beside her bed.

“Thank you so much,” she told him. “Was it hard to get her down?”

He shrugged.

“Hey, Kinsley,” Bill said, jogging up, his bracelet held out to her.

She held hers out to touch his and felt a double buzz as he relayed the dog chow recipe and the team’s records to her.

“Thanks so much,” she told him sincerely. “I’m so glad you’ll be with us.”

He winked and touched the brim of his hat, and then headed back to help Hank and Deputy Chigum carry platters to the long table.

When she turned back, Kian was frowning, and seemed to be looking anywhere but at her.

Maybe the big alien was used to treating “the help” differently. But Terrans were more down-to-earth, and she wasn’t going to change her approach to please him. Bill’s expertise and passion could mean the difference between life and death for her team, and she would darned well treat him with respect and kindness.

“Come on over here, dragonman,” one of the gray ladies called out. “Saved you a seat.”

The other one laughed, her voice deep and lovely.

Kinsley felt a shot of jealousy go through her like an arrow.

Kian strode over to the women, taking the empty seat beside the one with the scar.
