Page 42 of Kian

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The sky was deepening into a navy blue and the air temperature was dropping perceptibly by the second. Soon, the bog would freeze them all in place.

Her eyes met Kian’s in question, but they both knew the answer.

There was only one place to go.



Kinsley willed her frantically beating heart to slow as she stood before the expanse of ice.

“We’re going to spread out,” Sheriff Barr called to everyone. “And we’re going to move slowly. No one is going to panic.”

She glanced back up the hill at the tundra, as the sun dipped below the horizon.

The herd of mammoth was clearly visible in the dwindling light, and practically right beside them now. There was no point even thinking of climbing that hill, even if they’d had the energy, which they didn’t.

She was worried for the dogs and the bear. Surely, they had worked too hard today already, and now they were going to have to navigate the ice. At least the people understood why they were making such foolish decisions. The poor animals didn’t ask to be part of this.

Kinsley held her breath as the sheriff and deputy headed onto the ice first. Hauntingly strange sounds echoed all around them with every tentative step.

She kept her eyes fixed on the sled ahead and willed herself not to scream as Kian urged her forward, onto the ice.

The strange sounds continued, but the ice stayed firm beneath her feet.

With the baby strapped snugly against his chest, Kian led their team forward on the ice, moving quickly and spreading out to the left of the sheriff.

The ice hummed and groaned but held fast.

Kinsley lowered her eyes to the ice below, carefully marking each step, determined not to hurry or fall.

At least we can’t get stuck in the mud anymore,she reminded herself.And we’re getting closer to our new home with every step.

But the sounds grew even louder as Lyslee and Alloo stepped slowly onto the ice. The big bear didn’t seem the least bit concerned. Lyslee had explained that this was his natural hunting ground, and he’d be just as happy in the frigid water as he was on land.

Kinsley only hoped he didn’t get a sudden urge to go for a swim.

She couldn’t help wondering how deep the water was below her. Not that it would even matter if she got sucked through a crack and trapped under a plane of unbroken ice.

The idea sent icicles through her heart, and her eyes went to Kian, who walked calmly and steadily ahead of her, one hand drifting down to lightly caress Apollo’s broad, furry head.

The sight of her mate eased her mind enough for her to keep going.

My mate…

The words were beginning to fall into place in her head now. They were strange, and so was the whole concept. But they were starting to feel like home.

A yelp sounded behind her as a couple of Bill and Hank’s dogs lost their footing and scrambled for purchase. But Bill got them under control, and they fell in line once more.

Kinsley let out a breath and put her attention on her own feet once more.

The ice had been an opaque white around the shore, but as they traveled further toward the center, it was becoming more and more translucent.

Before long, it was so clear that she was able to see the dark water beneath. It was a strange feeling, as if she were walking right on the surface of the lake, with nothing between her and the icy depths.

The strange sounds were only getting louder. She knew that it was the sound of the ice shifting and cracking, a normal, scientifically explained phenomenon.

But under the starry sky, with the water just beneath her feet, it felt like something strange and menacing. It felt like the lake was groaning to life, readying to defend itself from the strangers who dared to trespass on its glassy surface.
