Page 61 of Kian

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Tonight, they were hosting a very important dignitary from Ulfgard. The planet’s new ruler was visiting personally, in hopes of securing an agreement where the miners provided a certain amount of Bhimanium in exchange for Ulfgard providing funding to find more veins. They were all in the meeting room now, finishing the final negotiations.

The showdown at the old mine had demonstrated something that was sure to be key to Sigg-3’s fortunes. Apparently, Bhimanium played a part in the formation of the floating islands, lending power to the innate magnetic compounds they held.

Which meant that the largest floating islands were probably floating above the largest veins of Bhimanium on the moon. If they could find more sources, the moon of Sigg-3 would be in for some big changes.

Everyone hoped that Ulfgard would be pleased that their needs could be filled with a simple investment in discovering more veins.

The miners were already talking about what a boon it was going to be for them.

But of course, it wasn’t all good news, at least not according to Kian. Entertaining the ruler meant dressing up, dancing, and possibly even making small talk.

Her mate was well-suited for the frontier, but not so much for the ballroom. And Kinsley was really enjoying watching him be the one to adapt for once.

Though truthfully, her only ballroom experiences back home had been viewed in holo-films.

“Saints of the Saturnine Comets,” Lyslee muttered, limping in wearing a massive cream-colored ballgown that accentuated her muscular arms and gorgeous red hair. “I can’t believe I have to wear this.”

“At least yours has straps,” Avril moaned, her big fingers wrapped around the bosom portion of her emerald gown as if she was convinced it was going to fall off at any moment.

“You two weren’t afraid of the mammoth, the ice monster, the rusted machines, or even a falling dragon,” Kinsley teased. “Are you really afraid of a pretty dress?”

“Remind me to start her training on the laser sword,” Lyslee told Avril, knowing it would make Kinsley shudder. “Sooner the better.”

“Fine,” Kinsley said. “But only if Kian dances with me in front of the ruler.”

“Wait, what?” Kian asked, looking alarmed.

Kinsley laughed, and the Grummish sisters joined her.

“Oh, wow, it’s Chigum,” Lyslee said, suddenly tugging at her own dress.

Kinsley glanced over to see that the Bergalian former deputy was dressed in a gorgeous Vystian tux, his furry hair tamed with shimmering gel.

Avril had hinted that there was a spark between Lyslee and Chigum. The two had been working together ever since the showdown. Chigum had been moved up to sheriff until there could be a proper election, and Lyslee agreed to sign on as interim deputy.

He spotted her now and gave a big wave, looking suddenly much more like himself with a big smile on his face.

Lyslee’s return smile was so besotted, it was all Kinsley could do not to coo.

But she knew her friend would hate that, so she did what Lyslee would want, and ignored it completely instead.

“How’s the boat?” Chigum asked as he joined them.

“Nearly seaworthy,” she replied. “Kian, Bill, Hank, and I have been working on it every day. We’re looking forward to putting it into action soon.”

“Good news,” Chigum said. “Big guy like me has an appetite, and fish stew is my favorite.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Kian said, slapping him on the back.

Just then, the door between the meeting room and the community room opened and the miners came spilling out with smiles on their faces, followed by the Ruler of Ulfgard.

“We are pleased to announce that an accord has been settled,” the lead miner said. “We look forward to working with the people of Ulfgard.”

“The people of Ulfgard are honored to work with the community of Sigg-3 to the betterment of both worlds,” the Ruler said with a big smile.

He was a handsome man, younger than she expected, with dark hair and a sort of metal circlet around his head, almost like a crown.

“I thought he was an elected ruler, not a king,” Kinsley whispered to Avril.
