Page 16 of Unlikely Alphas

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Without the tangled bush of hair around his face, the exotic uptilt of his blue eyes is even more prominent, as are his high cheekbones and the strong lines of his face, and his mouth… it’s firm, very masculine, and yet it looks soft and full as he gazes blankly back at me.

Still kind of lost inside his head.

“Did something spook you?” I frown at him and resist the urge to stroke my fingertips over his lips, over his jaw. “I don’t even know what’s normal for you. But who cares? Come on, time to wash.”

Of course he doesn’t move, so with a sigh, I cup water in my hands and pour it over his head, watch the dirt run from his locks down his body.

That finally seems to jerk him awake and he grows, grabbing my wrists, baring his teeth at me. “What?” he snarls.

I bare my teeth right back. “Washing.”

“We wash together,” he says, jumping to his feet, and dragging me with him into the pool. “And call me Kiaran.”




That’s his name.

I gasp and flail as he pulls me into the frigid water, but when his warm body collides with mine, I feel heat ignite inside me. A fire, erasing the cold. He hauls me against him and his scent is a punch to my senses, making me drunk and dizzy.

This is my mate. His scent is perfect, his body magnificent, his face gorgeous, his gaze scorching.

The ears poking through the pale locks are slightly pointed, I notice, and for some reason, that makes me smile. We’re Fae blood, and that might explain the scraggly beard. Fae don’t grow full beards. The signs are there indeed.

“Kiaran,” I whisper and rise on tiptoe to kiss him, finally giving in to my body’s needs, to the fierce attraction, the gut-wrenching pull of him. His arms around me are firm, powerful, his cock thick and hard under the leather loincloth, trapped between us. I run my hands over his hard pecs, his muscular shoulders and biceps, and a groan rumbles up his chest.

“Ariadne,” he breathes and bows his head to kiss me. But a roar shakes the air, coming from the plain below, and his head snaps back up. “Jaguar.”

“Shit. No, Kiaran—”

All air leaves my lungs when he lifts me in his arms and steps out of the pool, striding toward the cave entrance. “Protect you.”

“Great, we’re back to one-word sentences. But—”

“Jaguar,” he says, ducking to clear the low lintel of the entrance and carrying me into the cave. “Danger.”

“Okay. Can we barricade the door with something? Until it goes away?”

“I hunt jaguar. Punch.” He puts me down on his makeshift bed of furs and demonstrates with his fist.

I almost snicker, it’s cute, though I’m sure he packs a mean punch. “Punch the jaguar in the face?”

A grin tugs at his full lips. “In the face.”

“Or you can close the door,” I whisper, touching his face. “And stay with me.”

A grunt leaves his lips. He turns his face into my touch, pale lashes lowering over blue eyes. “To protect?”

“Among other things.”

His bare, muscular body slides over mine, pressing down, his hot length pressing between my legs, and I need him. I need him to lose that stupid loincloth and bury himself inside of me.

He dips his head, taking my mouth, brutally kissing me. It’s more like a claim, a declaration of war than a kiss, a hunger that he doesn’t know how to appease, and something in me answers.
