Page 74 of Unlikely Alphas

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I’m working my cock as slowly as I can manage, afraid I’ll come before I get my turn. Kiaran is panting, groaning. Then he pulls her leg, wrapping it around his thigh, and settles between her legs, lying almost on top of her.

I bite the inside of my cheek, my hand flying over my cock as he grunts and ruts into her, his pale hair falling in a curtain over his face, obscuring it, his pale shoulders bunching with muscles as he braces his hands on the cloak by her head to thrust harder, deeper.

They come almost at the same time, her wail of pleasure mingling with his deep groan. His rhythm falters and he thrusts one last time before he stills, small shudders shaking his frame as he spills inside her.

This time, when I grab and haul him off her, he rolls away, a grin on his face and his eyes closed. I press myself between her legs and she reaches for me, moaning my name.

“I’m here, my pretty,” I breathe, “right here. Feel me.”

She gasps when I push into her—dripping wet, hot and tight. Her pussy hugs my cock so perfectly I almost shoot my load. Looking down at her pale body, spread underneath me like an offering, makes me feel like a god. I try to take it slow—I try damn hard—but her pussy welcomes me, sucking my cock in, shattering reason.

It’s… fucking impossible to hold back. The need only seems to increase with every thrust, arousal mounting in a colossal wave, about to wash me away. I fall over her, catching myself on my elbows and not feeling the impact. My mouth is a breath away from hers, her eyes glimmering under long lashes, and I kiss her.

A grunt escapes me as the mark on my back begins to burn, but it’s lost in the maelstrom of sensations. Her nipples are hard points against my skin, her belly silky, her pussy velvety hot. We breathe in each other’s moans as we rock together, kissing and kissing, pleasure feeding into pleasure, need into need, until she comes—or I come, can’t separate our bodies, our release. She arches up, and I thrust deep, and the world dissolves into black sparks.

Whoa. Holy hells! Holy fuck, never felt anything like it in my life.

A phrase that keeps looping in my mind of late.

I understand now Kiaran’s dazed grin.

Ariadne breathes something I don’t hear, my ears buzzing, my heart pounding. She shifts and I hiss, my cock still lodged deep inside her, every movement sending aftershocks of pleasure through my body.

Carefully, I roll to the side, and she rolls with me until she’s curled against me, one leg over mine. My cock gives another appreciative throb.

I could die like this, I think, and wouldn’t mind.

Then Kiaran molds himself to my back and his scent mingles with hers, sending another pleasurable jolt to my cock.

But before I can do anything about it, Ariadne becomes a dead weight in my arms, claimed by sleep, and Kiaran starts to snore in my ear.

A silly smile spreads on my face. That’s worth any discomfort, being surrounded and held by my mates.

I close my eyes and let myself drift.

In my dreams, I’m walking on a flat, scorched plain, the earth black and smoking, my feet burning. I have wings on my back, and the shadow I cast is that of a half-beast—pointy ears, claws, and those wings spreading from my back, so large they seem to touch the white sky.

They drag on the ground, leaving grooves behind me. Don’t ask how I know, how I see it.

This isn’t real, and yet it is. A dream and yet reality, and I know deep in my bones that this means something important, but I can’t quite touch it.

What does it mean when more people approach from every direction—men, alphas—all winged? All of them like me, beastly and terrifying, their shadows rushing to meet me before their owners. Our shadows meet in the center, mingle on the ground, churning together.

And then she’s there, a pale flame, her wings white, her body entrancing, pale scales covering it, not quite hiding her curves, her breasts, her hips, the dip of her waist, the cloud of her hair, her dainty feet, all that makes her so pretty and desirable, all that makes her mine.

Her affection shines through her eyes as does her need, and I’m dumbstruck, gazing at her, my body reacting to her like every time, in dream and reality, always wanting her.

Then she reaches out to me and her touch shakes me to the marrow of my bones, remaking me, changing me—

“Fuck!” I sit up and almost head-butt Ariadne who’s on her knees, reaching for me. Her eyes widen. “Dammit.”

“Taj.” Her eyes are round in the small oval of her face. “You were mumbling and tossing in your sleep.”

“Dreams,” I say shortly, then catch her hand before she withdraws it and kiss her palm. “And you? How do you feel today?”

A blush spreads over her cheeks. “Better, thank you.”
