Page 75 of Unlikely Alphas

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“We didn’t hurt you? You don’t hurt down in your—”

“I’m good.” Her mouth twitches, and I find myself smiling.

“And Kiaran?” He’s gone from my side. I glance around. “Where is Kiaran gone?”

“Over there.” She points and I surge to my feet, dragging her along with me, noticing to my sorrow that she’s already put her dress back on. “He was there when I woke up.”

We find our Wildman standing some way down the trail, at the entrance to the small grove. Tall, muscular, pale, still as if carved from stone.

Buck naked.

Yep, he hasn’t bothered with clothes yet and a grin twitches at my mouth as we approach him

“Morning, mate. What’s up?”

“Keeping watch,” he says. “For Wolves. And Jaguars.”

“Of course.” I can’t fucking believe I slept without taking any precautions. This desire is dangerous. Makes you lose your mind. I have to organize us better. after all, I am the military man among them. It’s my responsibility.

Feeling guilty, I pull Ariadne beside him and she slides an arm around his waist. “Sleep well?”

He glances down at her, then at her hand where it curls over his hip. His cock is stirring, hardening. “Yeah,” he says, sounding distracted.

“Me too. I slept like the dead.”

“Sex is good,” he says, and I snort.

“You fuck like an animal, my man.”

Color rises to his cheeks. “Animals fuck good.”

“Indeed they do.”

It’s Ariadne’s turn to produce a snicker. She butts her head lightly against his arm and he lifts it, putting it around her shoulders. “Don’t mind Taj. Like Finnen, he has certain ideas of how things should be. I like the way you do things.”

“You mean, the way I fuck you?”

She chokes a little. “Uh, yes. That’s what I mean.”

I meet Kiaran’s blue eyes over her head and I laugh out loud when he winks at me. “I never said fucking like an animal was a bad thing, you know. In the army, that’s an actual compliment.”

Ariadne sounds like she’s choking again. She may lose herself in passion when we’re fucking, but it wasn’t long ago she was a devout virginal acolyte. I have two people to break out of their blushing moralistic restraints and retrain in sexual freedom.

I swear here and now that I’ll teach her to demand what she wants, to tell me exactly how to pleasure her, and the same goes for Finnen.

Finnen, I hope you hear us and hold on because we’re coming to get you, take you back with us where you belong.



Astride our horses, sadly with both my alphas dressed again, we ride direction south, following the river from some distance. We’re skirting towns and villages, keeping our eyes peeled to catch a glimpse of the brigade that has captured Finnen.

Kiaran’s restless stallion seems even more agitated as we put the miles behind us.

“Stupid horse,” Kiaran curses as the stallion dances right and left. “Just walk!”

“Maybe he’s smelling something,” Taj says, frowning. “Maybe Ariadne’s mare or some other mare on the plain is going into heat.”
