Page 45 of Plaything of His

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I move to my bed as I sit down, taking a deep breath in before I can speak.

She knows that I don’t.

I made it exceptionally clear to her that her mother and I had never married for love, and that we had an arranged marriage. I explained that we had her so early on to please Serena’s parents, only I didn’t realise Serena was pregnant with my youngest when she left us.

I told my daughter that although she would have to go through that route of an arranged marriage, I wanted to see her with someone who would love her and respect her, someone who she would wake up beside with a smile on her face. I never wanted my daughter to ever feel the way Serena and I did in our marriage, and it’s why I spent so long vetting each and every suitor that asked for Lyra prior to making any confirmations.

When William had asked for her hand, I was ecstatic. My daughter would live a happy life with him, unlike her mother and I had in our own marriage.

So, she knew that neither Serena nor I had ever feltanythingfor each other in the entirety of our marriage.

And to confirm that, I speak. For the first time in decades, I say the truth.

“I’m gay, Lyra. I have been for as long as I can remember, but I’ve always had to hide it. I want to spend the rest of my years living my life the way it should have been lived. I can’t continue lying to myself.”

Her eyes dart between each of mine and I wait for a response with bated breath. Finally, her expression softens as she gives me one.

“Oh, Daddy.”She breathes out as she rushes forwards to hug me. My arms immediately go around her as I let out a shaky breath. There are tears pricking the back of my eyes already as she pulls away to put her hands on either one of my shoulders. “I figured you were, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions since you never said anything. I don’t care though, I still love you, and I’ll love the person you bring home too.”

My heart races in my chest as I listen to my daughter speak.

Forcing myself to relax, I release deep breaths through my nose as I begin to loosen my hold on her. I clear my throat a couple of times, but when it’s clear that I can’t speak, Lyra moves as she sits down on my bed beside me.

A couple of minutes pass as we sit in silence before my daughter speaks again.

“Will you take a paternity test?”

I nod at her.

“Even though it’s so damn obvious she’s mine, I’ll take one. She’s you, Lyra, she’s the spitting image of you.”

My daughter nods before she bites down on her bottom lip. In a second, her entire expression has changed.

“People will talk, Dad. They’ll ask why you’ve brought her home now.”

It angers me to hear her say that, but I know that she’s right. People will talk, and they’ll certainly make a big deal out of it.

“Let them talk, pumpkin. They’ve always talked about things that don’t seem to fit in our society, and you know they always will. We’ll protect Delilah from them.”

“I want to get to know them some more, Daddy. We’ll all talk tomorrow.”

I nod at her as she smiles, curling her arms around mine as she sighs before resting her head against my shoulder. As she continues speaking, I hear her smile in her tone.

“Even though it sounds so ridiculous now, I always thought that you and William would be together. I liked the idea of having him here with us all the time.”

Peering up at me from under her lashes, she takes one look at the disgusted expression on my face before she bursts into a fit of giggles.

Why on earth would she think that William and I…

Shaking my head, I reply.

“That would never have happened in a million years, pumpkin. He’s my best friend, he’s practically my brother. It’s disturbing to think of William inthatway.”

She hums as she nods, though I can see just how eager she is to begin laughing all over again.

“He’s your son-in-law too, Daddy. Don’t forget that.”

How can I?
