Page 101 of The Bratva's Bride

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“Angel, that’s what you said the other four times. Yet I still get a call from you. Now relax and let me work it.” Alexei replied with a soft chuckle.

Angel groaned for a good moment before speaking again, “And that’s why you’re the best and I love you. Oh right there, a little deeper, fuck.” There was a pause, a muted smack filled the brief silence before a groan—not Angel’s or Alexei’s—could be heard. “We are so not telling Kolya about this.”

“Don’t make this a common thing and he’ll never find out. I’m surprised he hasn’t yet.” There was a brief chuckle and sharp intake of breath from Alexei before the recording ended.

“Guess your little wife is spreading her legs for more than just you. Can’t deny hard evidence, you just heard it loud and clear.” Igor sounded like he had too much fun rubbing it in my face. I should have clocked him that night at my club when I had the chance.

“It’s okay, I can make you forget all about them.” Natalia’s sickly sweet voice whispered in my ear, making me cringe away.

No. No way.

Every fiber of my being denied it—Angel and Alexei together. At the very least, my own brother wouldn’t do that to me, especially Alexei.

Maybe the voice was altered? But no, names were used, and unless it was one hell of a coincidence that the names just happened to be my wife and brother’s, it was them. There wasn’t that underlying buzz that came with altered voices, and I knew too well how my family sounded.

“Kolyenka.” Natalia settled her hand on my heaving chest, pulling a deep scowl from me. “I’m sorry.”

Jerking myself away from her with a scowl, I glared at her. “I told you, don’t call me that.” It didn’t sound sweet like it did coming from Angel’s lips. If anything, it was akin to nails on a chalkboard.

“Where the hell did you even get such a recording? It could be faked for all I know.” My eyes drifted over to Ivan who still held the phone in his hand.

Ivan’s cocky voice made me want to roll my eyes at him. “I have men everywhere. You’re too soft unlike your father. You trust your men too much. You could benefit from learning from me, you know?” Was that true? Did I have another mole? I’d thoroughly vetted through my men again, each and every single one of them, after the little office incident a while back. Everyone was solid.

Was the house bugged?

“Who?” The underlying anger to my voice surprised me slightly when I heard how controlled it came out.

“Big guy, always around your little thing, Benjamin. You really have to be more generous with your money, all I had to do was offer higher than your pay and he was putty in my hands.” The moment I heard the name slip from his mouth, my anger ebbed, but I kept the act up to deter him from prodding.

I still had my doubts, but there had to be something else going on because Benjamin would have informed me of any infidelity instantly. He was my most trusted guard, and he was also one of my closest friends. We’ve been through a lot of shit together, and I trusted him as much as I did my own brothers. So, there had to be something else going on.

Keeping my expression calm, I leered up at Ivan, “So, you just came here to rub it in my face and see if I’ll go back on my own morals and form an alliance with you?” I deadpanned.

“If you want to see it that way, I suppose. But all I’m really doing is offering you a chance at something greater. Come on Nikolai, think about it, really think about it.” Ivan urged with a widening smirk.

“And if I say no?” I already knew what my answer would be, but I was curious.

Ivan replied to me nonchalantly, “Then we just leave you here for your fate to be decided in the auction tomorrow. A lot of men out there want you as their bitch or dead. At least with me you’ll have some rank. It’s a no brainer, Nikolai.” If I didn’t know any better, then yes, it would have been that simple of a solution.

“What were you planning on doing with Angel? The men who captured me wanted to capture Angel as well. Why did you want her? What use do you have for her if it’s my allegiance that you want?” It didn’t occur to me until now when my brain was fully awake.

“Her stepmother wanted her, I don’t meddle with Lady Qing’s business, but she wanted my men to take the girl along with you, and said your littlesukawas to belong to me after she was done with her. I don’t care about her and her plans, Lady Qing has already promised me the triad territory once the marriage between her daughter and Nikita goes through. I was just going to give your used goods to Igor since he’s still hung over on her and has some anger to take out on her.” Ivan gave a small shrug of his shoulders when he finished speaking. Then, he turned around and headed for the door.

Gritting my teeth, I tugged at the chains, jerking my limbs in hopes of slipping out of my bindings by some miracle. “If any of you touch a hair on my Angel’s body, I will skin you alive and toss you in boiling acid.” A threat I would make good on if any harm came to my wife from them. I didn’t buy their revelation about Angel and Alexei.

I can’t. I won’t.

Opening the door, he stood there and turned his head back at me. “I’ll give you some time to think about my offer. There’s still a good amount of time before the auction starts. I’ll leave you to your own devices and hope you give me the right answer when I come back later.” With that, he left with Igor on his tail.

Unfortunately, Natalia remained, and I did not have a good feeling about this.
