Page 111 of The Bratva's Bride

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“Where are your partners in crime you witch?” Was it a coincidence the other three heads weren’t here? Or had she managed to warn them somehow?

We were hoping to strike down the major players with this operation, but there were no signs of Ivan, Lilian, or Ramon. Natalia was here, and we managed to snag her when she tried to escape. But no signs of her siblings or father, who we really wanted.

“You’ll never get them. Once they catch wind of this, they’ll go under until they’re ready to strike you down. So, enjoy your rule while it lasts.” I wanted to slap the cocky smirk off her face, and the sensation itched at my twitching hand. “You think anyone is going to follow your lead? You’re just a little girl in way over her head!”

“Well, if they don’t want to follow then they’ll face the consequences.” The cops were going to have their hands full throughout the next week or two with how much I would throw at them.

“We both know you don’t have what it takes.” Lady Qing sneered with a short chuckle.

Well, I couldn’t argue with her there. Chuckling softly, I shook my head lightly as I walked over to Nikolai. “But my husband does.” Twisting the ring off my finger, I held it out to Nikolai with a confident smile. “There will be a formal announcement tomorrow with the council, but from this day forward, the Qing Triad will be merged under the Volkov Bratva and be under their rule.”

“You! You can’t do that!” I knew it would piss her off. Everything precious to her fell away from her hands in a blink of an eye. “No one will follow the rule of a damn Russian! He knows nothing about us or our ways or operations!”

I couldn’t help but smile delightfully at the sight of her cracking. “But I do, and I am going to be by his side every step of the way through hell and back. And I can do whatever the hell I want, that power was given to me the moment my father passed and his will was enacted. You’ve lost because you let your hubris get ahead of you. You thought you played the game your way, but my father saw through it in the end and made damn sure you would lose it all.”

“So, what now? You’re just going to kill me and my children?” The situation was finally sinking into her thick skull.

“No. I told you that I wouldn’t harm your children as long as you behaved, and as insufferable as they are, they’re innocent in this matter. They’ll be free to go as long as they promise to disappear from the state, forever. But as for you dear ol’ stepmother, I’ve got other plans for you that require you to be alive, for now.” She may be a bitch, but she had useful information we could extract.

Pulling out my hairpin, I flicked open the blade as I walked over to my step siblings. “Two choices: disappear forever from the state and you’ll go free right now, or decline and suffer the same fate as your mother. Your choice.” The latter was a bluff, I wouldn’t harm them unless they gave me reason nor would I ever subject them to anything I would do to their mother. But I had to put fear in them.

“We’ll go! You won’t ever see our faces again! We promise!” The eldest daughter responded with no hesitation, the other two nodding in agreement.

Honestly, if it weren’t for their mother giving them a poor upbringing, they probably wouldn’t be too bad of people. Not going to lie, I did pity them. Well, they’ll find their way eventually, their bank accounts were cushy enough to keep them sustained for a long while as long as they didn’t blow through it.

A few flicks of my wrist and the ropes fell to the ground, and the three of them scrambled to their feet and ran, not bothering to spare their mother a glance as they disappeared.

“Damn, not even a ‘bye’ from either of them.” I rubbed it into her face with a chuckle and shake of my head.

“Everyone is cleared from the building, victims included.” I heard Alexei report to me over my ear piece.

“Alright, everyone clear out. We’re about done here. We’ll regroup at the estate.” I said over the communications system before reaching down and yanking my stepmother up by her arm.

Smiling wickedly at my stepmother, I gripped her arm tightly and dug my nails into her until I drew blood.“You and I have a car ride to take.”

My words were empty, but Lady Qing didn’t see it that way because they seemed to spur her into action. Her hand darted across my face, catching my cheek with her overly long nails.

“Con di!” I hissed in pain while pressing the back of my hand against it because I still had my hairpin tightly gripped in it.

Lady Qing quickly dug her nails into my forearm, causing me to release her reflexively. Then, she turned and tried to make a run for it, but she only made it three decent steps before Nikolai placed himself in her path, stopping her.

With her escape cut off, she turned her attention back to me, lunging at me with her nails aimed towards my face.

Backstepping, I reached out with my free hand and grabbed her wrist to pull her off to the side to redirect her forward motion away from me. As she veered off to the side of me, I brought my hairpin down and sliced her face in a downward motion when I twisted my body towards her.

A second slice was placed across her bleeding face as I swung my arm back up in order to plunge the hairpin down into her deltoid. Burying the blade deep into her muscle, I sliced the blade down the full length of her arm to her wrist, making her scream in agony.

“You’re lucky I have other plans to torment you, otherwise I’d kill you right here and now or even slice your spine to paralyze you. I want you to suffer like my mother did along with all your other victims.” An evil snake like her didn’t deserve an easy way out, not in the slightest.

I would stick her in a car, make her drive off only to have a truck crash into her. I wanted to see the panic and horror on her face. I wanted to watch her crawl out of the wreckage like the pathetic worm she is. I wanted her to beg for mercy, for even just a chance of it, only to deny her of it. I wanted to break her until she became no use to us, only then would I stab her through her black heart.

Wickedly grinning, I held the blade up to her neck after pulling it out of her arm. “I am going to enjoy driving this hairpin into you over the years. Even when it dulls out, I’ll continue to use it until I draw your last breath with it.”
