Page 115 of The Bratva's Bride

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~2 years later~

“Girl, he loved it,so stop fretting.” Hanna assured me, grabbing my nervous hands to stop them from fidgeting. “You saw the way his face lit up in the video. Besides, who wouldn’t love a sexy little boudoir album from their fiancé as their wedding day gift?”

“If I looked sexy and hot then yeah.” No matter how much Nikolai doted on me and my new body, I still felt very self-conscious about it.

“Girl, quit it. Helovedit! He was still flipping through it when I left with a huge smile on his face. You’re a bomb ass bitch, so hold that head back up and fuck everyone else.” Hanna encouraged me with a grin, hugging me tightly with a contented sigh.

Having kids really changes your body. I knew that fact, but to have it happen personally was a jarring experience. Especially after having twins, my body really wasn’t how it was before pregnancy. Nikolai constantly reassured me that he didn’t see me any differently, that he actually loved my body more than before because this was the body that brought our children into this world. He also didn’t complain about how much bigger my ass got.

Hanna stood behind me with an annoyed glare, probably tired of my complaints about my insecurities like Nikolai has been. “Come on, finish up, it’s almost time for you to become Mrs. Volkov, officially this time.” She rushed with a chortle.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but smile. Hanna was right, I needed to quit it. It was my wedding day for God’s sake, I should be happy and elated—nothing else.

The fact I was getting married didn’t fully hit me until I was standing at the end of the aisle, staring ahead at Nikolai’s grinning face when he got his first look at me in my ball gown wedding dress, embellished with embroidered flowers with sparkles that flowed the skirt of the dress down to the long train.

I felt like a fucking Disney princess, which was something I never thought I’d want in my life until I went wedding dress shopping. I always associated being a princess to being weak and useless, just sitting around until my prince charming swept me off my feet. I didn’t belong in a fairytale; I belonged in a Grimm story. But now, being a princess didn’t mean you were some helpless romantic hoping for happiness to come along. A princess could be a warrior who made her own happy ending.

And now, I would be a fucking queen with Nikolai by my side.

Standing at the altar, I let my eyes sweep over the crowd. The small chapel filled with our closest families and friends, all who were looking at us with genuine happy smiles. Then, in the front row, were our sons—Anatoli and Anton Volkov.

The twins were close to being two years in age, both of them nearly spitting images of Nikolai with their enchanting blue eyes, which I was more than elated to see. As much as I loved my brown eyes, they were plain in my opinion. The only thing they got from me were my lips and slight uptick to their eyes that made them a little sharper looking. Well, and I’m pretty sure they got a majority of my personality.

Anatoli and Anton were two very lively, and loud, babies. A curious bunch who wreaked havoc wherever they went. Especially now since they’re more mobile on their tiny little legs, nothing was safe from them. They were very stubborn too, though I try to blame that more on Nikolai because I felt like he had a harder head than me—he liked to argue otherwise though.

“Ty takaya krasivaya. Ne mogu poverit', chto ty budesh' moyey na vsyu zhizn'.” I had no idea what he said, at least not fully. Something about being beautiful, I think. I really needed to start picking back up with my Russian lessons. “You are so fucking beautiful baby. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.” He whispered to me with a big smile as he reached out and placed his hands on my waist. “Words can’t describe how I feel right now seeing you like this.”

Noticing the glassiness of his tearing eyes, I giggled softly as I reached up and held his face lovingly. “Don’t you dare start crying on me, I spent way too long on this makeup to ruin it.” I joked with tearful eyes and a happy smile. “You look quite dashing yourself in an all-white suit.” This was probably the only time I would see him in any color other than black, gray, or dark blue. So, I was going to savor this image and burn it into my mind for all of eternity.

The ceremony proceeded smoothly, and soon it was time for our vows.

“Kolyenka, from the moment I hauled your huge ass out of the car, I knew deep down that I was going to meet my match in you. Though our relationship started off unconventionally, I am grateful for the time it gave us to grow to love each other. I am grateful that you are such a wonderful man, one whom I’ll be more than proud to call my husband until the end of time. I promise that I will forever remain by your side, through the good and the bad, through sickness and health, for rich or poor, and for better or worse. I promise that I will continue to be the best mother that I can to our children, and I promise to be that little wild vixen you signed your life away to over two years ago.” Forever and an eternity with Nikolai was going to be a dream come true and paradise.

“Angel, mylisichka, I promise I won’t crash into your life more than I already have. From the moment I laid my eyes on you and mistook you for an actual angel, I’ve never been able to get you out of my mind. And now that I am going to have you now and forever, I can’t even begin to describe how grateful and wonderful I feel. I know I’m not perfect, but you make me want to be the best, and I promise you that I will only give you my best for as long as we live. I swear to you that I will remain by your side through it all, through the bad and the good, through sickness and health, for rich or poor, and for better or worse. I promise to be the best husband to you, and the best father to our children. I’ll never ask you to change for me, all I ask is you never let your little fire fade. You’ll always be mylisichka, for now and ever.”

Fuck, I didn’t want to cry on my own wedding day, but I couldn’t help it. My husband was too much of a sap sometimes. “God I love you so much.” I giggled through my tears.

“I know.” He replied with a cocky grin. “I love you so much too,lisichka.”

“Well then, let’s move onto the good part then.” The officiant this time wasn’t some random person snatched in the middle of the night. Instead, it was Greg, who was apparently an ordained minister; yeah, this came as a shock to all of us when he offered to ordain our wedding. “Do you, Nikolai Volkov, take my lovely little sister, Angel Vu, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold until the end of time and eternity? To cherish and love?”

“I do.” Nikolai replied without an ounce of hesitation.
