Page 114 of The Bratva's Bride

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Then, the bliss flew out the window when the realization hit me. “You went through everything pregnant? I am so happy right now but I’m also so pissed that you would be so reckless.” The estimation on the pictures stated she was a little over six weeks pregnant, and the operation and attempted murder and kidnapping happened right in the middle of that timeframe.

“Well, to be fair, I didn’t know I was pregnant until two weeks ago, at least it wasn’t confirmed officially until two weeks ago. The levels were too low and off when I went to the doctor initially because of my little bouts of exhaustion, and the fact that I still had my IUD in me didn’t give me much hope because typically pregnancies like that don’t last. The results didn’t come back until two days after the operation stating that the levels were looking good. I didn’t want to say anything about my first appointment either because the doctor had said to not be too hopeful coming in because of the circumstances. So, it was a huge surprise when the twins appeared to be healthy. I wanted to tell you last week when I received the news, but I wanted to wait until the blood tests came back with the genders.” Angel explained herself with a small smile.

I couldn’t hold it against her after hearing her explanation. The initial tests showed the babies wouldn’t likely be viable, so I understood her persistence with keeping her involvement in the mission. But still, I wasn’t happy with it, but I couldn’t do anything about it now since everything already happened.

At least we had an answer for her exhaustion the past few weeks. I just wish she had told me so I could have been there to comfort her. She took on all the stress of uncertainty by herself, and even if the outcome would have been less than ideal, I would rather be there for her than not. She was mine to love and care for, for better or worse.

“Anh?” There was an edge of concern to her voice as she held my face in her hands.

“Hm? Yes, love?” Now I was worried because this moment felt too perfect, so why the concern? She was still smiling happily at me, but there was a worried edge to it.

Chewing her bottom lip, she let her eyes wander away for a second before locking them back onto mine. “You still remember how you owe me that favor for saving your ass?” Why was she bringing this up?

“Yes, and I am still honoring it.” I don’t know what she could ask for now. We were going to be married again, she was going to have the wedding of her dreams, she could buy the whole damn world with the amount of money in my bank account, and we were going to have two wonderful boys in a few months. She had everything and if she didn’t then she easily had the means to get whatever she desired. So, what would the favor even be?

“I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, we both do technically, but what do you say to opening up like a little shelter of sorts for victims of trafficking? I mean, we’d probably do a lot of illegal shit, but at least we could protect the victims better than the police and system in place right now.” She sounded hesitant as she posed the idea to me.

It was true, our plates being as full as they are, but there’s no way I could deny my wife’s request, not when it was something actually good. Also, not like I could deny her anything.

“By illegal shit you mean?” I prodded with a smirk and short chuckle, curious as to what illegal activities she had in mind.

Giggling sheepishly, she tapped her chin in thought. “Uhh it might involve talking to some people... With weapons... I mean, some people just wait for the girls to get out before snatching them again, so maybe they just need to be taught a hard lesson of when to quit it.” Well, that would definitely fall under the illegal umbrella.

“So basically, you want to have a safe haven shelter with hitmen on standby for hits on pimps? The last part obviously is not going on the papers.” I summed it up with a chuckle, looking at her amusingly.

Rolling her eyes, she gave my arm a soft whack. “Well, if you want to put it that way, yes. But I mean, I want to actually help them too, not just provide a safe roof over their heads.”

“I know what you meant and want the moment you asked,lisichka.” Maybe it would be a good idea to have a legit business in helping victims. It would make assisting them a lot easier if we went through mostly legal means.

“You sure that’s the favor you want to ask of me? Nothing for yourself?” As if she needed anything else, but I just wanted to be sure.

“Well, would it be too much to ask for you to not be an asshole to me while I am pregnant?” She asked with a playful chuckle and glare.

“When am I ever an asshole to you in general? Besides, how would I even be an asshole to you while you’re pregnant?” That was the last thing on my mind. Sure, I might give her a hard time here and there just to see her get worked up—she looked too cute when she was mad—but I would dial it back now that she’s pregnant.

Huffing, she scrunched her face up in a cute pout. “You’re always an asshole to me, but that’s beside the point. What I meant is for you to not get all over protective, controlling, and bossy. And don’t you dare deny it either because I can already see it in your eyes. I don’t want anything to change between us, and I sure as hell don’t want you treating me like some precious little egg. I am not quitting my job in the ED nor am I going to transfer to some other department that’s less strenuous, and I am not going to stop partaking in our mafia business. I will, however, stop with the raids and won’t be in the field until I’m fully recovered after giving birth.” Her voice took a serious edge after the first sentence.

“You know I can just tie you to the bed.” I joked with a chuckle, holding up my hand to catch hers when she threw it out to hit me playfully.

With a warm smile, I threw my arms around her and held her tightly against me. “I’m not going to step on your toes, lord knows you’d make me regret it severely if I do. As I said in the past to your dangerous activities, I don’t like it, but nothing I say or do will change your stubborn mind.” At least she would dial it back with the field activities, so I’ll take that win.

“Just promise me you’ll be extremely careful. I know you’re more than capable of handling the shit that life throws at you, but you are pregnant now.” For my sake, I might just risk her wrath and chain her to the bed if she wasn’t cautious from now on.

“Of course, I’m stubborn, not stupid.” She chuckled with a roll of her eyes.

Grinning happily, she leaned in and kissed me deeply with a sigh of pleasure. “But you’ll be fine with granting me those favors?” She asked in a soft voice after breaking the kiss, letting her lips linger against mine as her eyes looked up into mine.

Chuckling softly, I kissed her with a smile. “Lisichka, I’ll grant you any favor you want from here on out.” Can’t say no to my lovely wife.

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