Page 17 of The Bratva's Bride

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I’ve been addressed that many times, but coming from her gave the title a whole new feeling. I could feel my cock throbbing painfully in the confines of my pants when she said it. “When we’re alone or in bed, you’re going to address me as that from now on, got it?” Just the mere thought of her uttering the word made my chest swell with pride and gave me a rush of pleasure straight down to my member.

Shuddering, she gripped the front of my shirt tightly in her balled up fists. “Yes, sir.” She moaned softly.

Fuck, she would be my ruin, and I was more than fine with that. “If you behave like a good girl for the rest of the day, then you can get all of this,” I paused for a brief second to thrust my hip up against her clothed sex, gritting my teeth together to suppress my groan when I felt her heat, “Tonight.”

Pouting, Angel pressed herself down against me, making me suck in a sharp breath. “But I need you now, please, sir.” She whimpered needily while not letting up with her gyrating hips. My little vixen knew how to play the game.

Growling deeply, I let go of her hair so I could use both hands to grab at her hips, stopping her movements and holding her firmly against me. “No, if I take you now then I’m not stopping until well into the night, and we have things to talk about and do. So, behave, and I’ll reward you well tonight. If not, well, consequences and punishments are there for a reason, Angel.”

A part of me hoped she would give me a damn good reason to bend her over and spank her. I’ve wanted nothing more than to grip her plump ass cheeks and spank them red when I saw her from behind the first night. If she’d let me then I’d love to take it a step further and use my belt, leaving nice welts she could feel for hours.

With careful eyes, I watched her torn face as she seemed to debate with herself on what to do or how to respond. A few seconds go by before her lips stick out in a pout as she looks at me defeatedly. “Fine.” One stern look was all she needed to correct herself. “Yes, sir.”

Smirking triumphantly, I leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Good girl.” My grip on her hips tightened when I felt her shiver at my praise. Breathing deeply, I leaned back fully in the armchair, hands still on her hips. “Now, let’s start this game again. Question, Angel.”

I watched her take a deep breath while she shifted in my lap until she straddled and faced me fully. “Why did you choose yourself? Why not one of your brothers? I mean, I’m not complaining, I’m happy that it’s someone I’m barely familiar with, but you are the head of the Bratva, surely you have other use for your time and energy on other matters than a wife.”

“True, I do have a lot on my plate, but I stepped up because it was you. You have plagued too many of my nights, and I held myself back so much from seeking you out and trying to make you mine. I saw it as a sign from the heavens when you were basically delivered to my feet last night. You are mine to have Angel, only mine. I let you fly away before, but now that I have you in my grasp again, even God can’t save you from me now.” No one can take her away from me. This beautiful little thing was mine to have and hold for all of eternity.

Smirking softly, I let my eyes take in her delicate face, wanting to burn it into my mind so even when I closed my eyes, I would be able to picture her perfectly. I couldn’t wait to watch her pretty face twist with pleasure tonight and every night after.

Fuck, maybe I shouldn’t have stopped myself. She begged me to take her, yet my stupid self didn’t take that opportunity. So, what if I had important business to attend to? Nothing should be more important than giving my wife the best pleasures of her life with me buried deep in her hot cunt.

“Sir, Nikolai, it’s your turn.” Her soft voice tore me away from my thoughts before they got too dirty.

“Kolya, only people who aren’t family call me Nikolai, and you’re family now. Though, I much prefer ‘sir’ from you.” I corrected her with a playful smirk.

“Kolya... Well, that answers one of my questions that I was going to ask. If I address you as ‘sir’ then we’re going to get nothing done, so Kolya it’ll be. Well, either way, it’s your turn for a question, and you were just kind of staring.” Angel replied with a soft giggle.

Honestly, I’m not sure if my name was any better coming from her lips. Hearing it didn’t bring out that dominant side of me much, but it did bring out a passionate side I didn’t think existed. A passionate yet possessive side; the one that got jealous and angry at the mere thought of any other pair of hands on her body that weren’t mine.

Chuckling softly, “Not starring, admiring.” I corrected her while running a hand up her side into her hair. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her black locks. They were so smooth and silky. I could probably spend a good portion of my day running my fingers through them while having her in my lap. “But you’re right, it is my turn.” I had to take a moment to think of what to ask her first. “Last night, what was the exchange that you had with Lady Qing?”

“Oh, that? I basically told her that I was going to walk out of there and she wasn’t going to do shit. Reminded her to not forget her place too. Then she pulled the father card, which is how she even got an ounce of compliance from me. At least the marriage was to you, if not then I would have had to make myself a widow at twenty-four. It was more so a personal exchange, so don’t worry, nothing scheming or anything.” Angel’s assuring smile put me at ease a little along with those soft eyes of hers. “I can promise you, swear to you on my life and my father’s, that I will never wrong you Kolya. You will never have to question my loyalty or worry about me betraying or playing spy for the other side. I will always be truthful to you no matter what, I swear to it.”

I’m not one who trusts people easily, trust would only get me easily killed in my line of work. “I trust you and will hold you to it. You and I both know that in this line of work, there are no such things as second chances. Even if you are my wife, if you ever betray me in any way.”

I didn’t need to finish the rest of that last sentence for her to respond to me with a firm nod. “I understand, and the same goes for you.” It was the life we were born into, unfortunately. “Why didn’t you reach out to me sooner?”

Chuckling softly, I moved my hand from her hair to cup her face, stroking her cheek softly with my thumb. “Believe it or not, I wasn’t a selfish bastard for once and kept away from you for both our sakes. You seemed too good, too innocent, to drag into my life. Also, I knew that having you around would just be a huge distraction for me, give my enemies more of a means to get at me. Guess all that can’t be helped now, not that I mind.”

“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself, and last night should have been a good indicator as to what I can be capable of. Thank you for not being a selfish prick, even though I wish you had been.” Angel chuckled softly as she started to play with the collar of my shirt.

“I was really hoping that you would call in the favor, or at least call in to try and spark something.” I wasn’t going to lie to myself or her about that fact. I remember staring at my phone on some nights, hoping for it to pop up some strange number I didn’t recognize and to have her voice be on the other end.

“I actually thought about it, but after finding out that you were involved with the bratva, I knew I couldn’t unless it was truly an emergency. I already kept myself uninvolved with the crime world and mafias in general. So, no way in hell was I going to get tangled with a bratva member, no matter how hot and tempting he may be.” Her reddened cheeks didn’t go unnoticed, even if she did try to hide her face by turning away.

Chuckling, I grasped her chin and turned her head back towards me. “How much truth was in your friends’ words?” Did she have it bad for me as I did for her? Could she feel the fire of lust every time she laid her eyes on me?

Even right now, all I wanted to do was rip my shirt off her and lay claim to her, fuck her like a rabid beast until she was broken, until I was more than satisfied before taking the time to admire her naked beauty. Even if she had almost nothing on last night, I worried too much about her well-being to ogle her like a horny teenage boy.

“I am still waiting for your answer Angel.” I reminded her with a smirk as I watched her squirm in her spot.

Pouting, she glared at me softly in a playful manner before answering, “All of it...” She was embarrassed, and it was adorable with how red her face got. “But only because it’s true, even the articles I read through praised your physique and charming personality, and I’m not blind to deny the truth.”

“Even the stuff about mouth to mouth and cutting my pants off?” I teased with a chuckle, watching her face get more heated.

“H-hey! That’s more than one question mister!” It would seem like my little angel caught her footing again.
