Page 8 of The Bratva's Bride

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Stupid idiots, theyshould have done what they wanted faster or sedated me more. The moment I could feel my senses and control return to me, I waited until—what I deemed—a good moment to strike and make my escape. I was nearly successful too.

Scowling, I spun around and pointed the loaded and unlocked gun at my stepmother. “This is some shit you’re trying to pull. I’m going to walk out of here, and you’re going to let me. Like hell am I going to be some stupid pawn that you can wed off for your sick games you bitch. Go marry one of your airhead daughters, they need the help more than me.” Unfortunately, the apple didn't fall far from the tree with her daughters. Good thing they were too stupid to be on my threat radar.

“If you take one more step, I will shoot you.” Lady Qing threatened, cocking her own gun to point at me.

Smirking arrogantly, I held my arms out, “Go ahead, kill me. You know you’ll lose it all.” All of my father’s assets were in my name, at least eighty-five percent of it was. She would lose a lot more than she would gain with my death. Besides, I had a lot of contingencies in place in case I met an untimely demise by her hands. “You already know I don’t give a damn about it all, it can all burn for all I care.” It wasn’t as if my father wanted to return to all of this, so why would it matter if it all fell.

“Then who will take care of your dear old father if you are gone? Hm? If you don’t do as I say, then you can kiss your father goodbye when you bury him at his funeral tomorrow. I’ll have him dead the moment you set foot outside the exit.” Lady Qing smirked evilly while lowering her gun. She knew where to hit me, and I hated it.

Scowling, I disarmed the gun and threw it on the ground. I hated how she had me pinned, but at least I knew now that she had a large grasp on my father’s health if she could make such a threat. I have to figure out how to pry her claws off my father.

I watched as she turned her attention back to whatever guest she had, switching back to English as we had been speaking in Mandarin. “Gentlemen, I am so sorry about that, just a slight misunderstanding between my daughter and I.” Then, she turned to me and beckoned me over with those horribly manicured fingers of hers.

What utter lies. I wanted nothing more than to cut her tongue out. It was rare for me to feel violent towards anyone nowadays, but my stepmother was one of those exceptions. Gritting my teeth, I reluctantly went over to the table, glaring at her the whole time and refusing to look at who stood on the other side until she grabbed my arm and forced me to turn around.

“You...” My voice barely came out as a whisper when my wide eyes landed on the familiar figure. I could feel the goosebumps rush down my body as I quickly took in his hulking figure clad in a flattering black suit with a dark blue dress shirt underneath.

I instantly recognized the dashing man, Nikolai Volkov. If he was here, then he was a major player. I knew he was a part of the Volkov Bratva, but I never dug far enough to figure out his status and standing within it. I was determined tonotget involved with him, so I saw no point in digging further than needed.

Also, why the hell did he make my body burn so much? I shouldn’t be feeling hot and bothered being all exposed and traded as some commodity.

“This is Angel, the eldest, and heiress to the Qing Triad.” I could feel her fake nails dig into my flesh as she tightened her grip on me, her way of warning me to behave.

Wrenching my arm away from her, I tossed her a harsh glare as I bit my tongue to hold myself back from ripping her a new one. “Listen, I’m sorry if she troubled you with this meeting, she—”

My words were cut off with a small hiss of pain when I felt her nails dig into my shoulder after she placed her hand on it. “So, I have the papers ready, who will it be to solidify the truce?” She didn’t bother to pay me any attention. How rude.

Opening my mouth, I was about to say something as I watched one of the men take a step forward, only to be stopped by Nikolai holding his hand out. “I will wed Angel.”

“What?Bratok, are you sure?” Another man spoke up, looking at Nikolai with concern. Then he quickly switched to another language, Russian I think. The conversation was brief though, due to Nikolai cutting him off with a hard look and wave of his hand.

“I—!” Before I could question things further or make a scene, Lady Qing digs her nails deeper into me.

Two simple words; a reminder, “Your father.” Was all she needed to say to get my compliance.

The nerve of this treacherous snake.

Taking in a deep breath, I watched Nikolai with wary eyes as he rounded the table and stood next to me. “Things stay as they are, we mind our own business and do not interfere with each other. We have no business to conduct with you otherwise nor will we go into any business with you. This marriage is only a means to keep the peace and truce between us, nothing more.” He was cold and to the point. I should be turned away by his tone and works, but my body had other ideas for some goddamn reason.

“Fine, give me a moment to get all those details amended to the truce.” Lady Qing turned away and went over to some of her men who scrambled to write things down on some papers.

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