Page 88 of The Bratva's Bride

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“No!” My hands were slapped away before they even came close to touching her. “Do not touch me right now. I am still pissed at you. Don’t fucking talk to me. Don’t even look at me.”

Well, at least Angel wasn’t giving me the silent treatment anymore, but not sure if this was much of an improvement. “Ang—”

Never has she raised her voice at me until now. “No! I do not want to hear a single word that comes out of your mouth right now. I don’t care if you were trying to be considerate with giving him to me on a silver platter. I didn’t ask for it. But the fact that you didn’t even run the idea by me or give me a heads up is what upsets me the most because I had no idea what the fuck I was walking into. Do you have any idea how humiliating it would have been if I had shut down? Just froze in place and pissed myself or something? I didn’t even know what the fuck to do until he spoke, then I just snapped, but before then I was about to have a fucking full blown panic attack and flashback.”

She seethed with murderous rage. Absolutely loathing me. The anger in her glaring eyes made those soft, warm, brown eyes of hers harden to sharp copper that cut into me deeply. But I couldn’t do anything but take it because I deserved it.

I wasn’t even hurt by her words. It was the fact I had upset her this much to where she made herself vulnerable and cried emotionally around me that twisted at my gut as if someone stuck a burning knife into it.

I already felt like an asshole earlier when I saw her initial reaction to Michael. She looked like she was about to break apart before she flew into a sudden rage and went after him. Seeing her freeze up initially made me want to pull her out of the room and drag her home, especially when I saw the panic set into her wide eyes.

Apologizing so far hasn’t worked. It only seemed to agitate Angel more whenever I did apologize. She’d given me the cold shoulder and silent treatment ever since we left the bunker, only recently breaking her vow of silence now.

With a heavy heart, I watched her disappear into the closet for a long minute before reemerging in full tactical gear. “I’m going out. Don’t wait up.” She didn’t even spare me a fraction of a glance when she sped by me briskly.

“Blyat'!” I cursed under my breath, taking after my trudging wife. “Angel, please, you’re not in the right mindset to be going out like this.” Last thing I wanted was a phone call from one of her friends that she’d been shot or severely injured because her mind was clouded. The guilt only laid on thicker due to the fact her mind was muddled because of me.

“My mind is perfectly clear. Unless you rather me shoot your kneecaps, you’ll shut up and leave me alone until I’m ready to talk to you again.” She didn’t even bother looking at me when she spoke, too focused on digging through the small armory room and stocking herself up.

“I would turn it back on you and say how’d you like it if you were trying to forget your dad and I just toss him in front of you one day going ‘surprise honey’ with no forewarning, but your little simpleton brain would probably be like ‘oh I would have appreciated it a lot and just killed him’ and shit.” Now she was just rambling, a habit of hers I’ve noticed whenever she was emotionally riled up.

Still, her jab hurt a little. What kept my tongue at bay was the fact she was right. There was no way I could imagine or feel what she went through even if the situation was reversed like her scenario. Of course, I felt like a huge prick right now because I should have used my brain and put her first.

Scowling deeply, she continued to ramble. “Fucking men. Honestly, ya’ll don’t ever fucking use your damn pea brains when they’re actually fucking needed. Not even going to bother arguing with you because it’ll be fucking pointless ‘cause you won’t get the fucking point.” The harsh slam of the magazine clip was probably a clear sign for me to back off and leave her be before it ends up being emptied into me.

Hanging back a good distance, I watched her prepare in a hurry and take off in my Bugatti. A part of me wanted to grab her by the arm, stop her and make her talk it out, but the logical side of me won by a margin. Nothing shy of a shouting match possibly could have come from having a talk now. The argument was unavoidable, but the hostility was something we could control.

Also, I knew better than to talk to someone armed to the teeth, especially my pissed off wife.

With a heavy sigh, I dragged myself to my office on the first floor, hoping to drown myself with some work to get my mind to cool off before Angel came home. We had some important shipments coming in soon, so I really did need to make sure everything was as perfect as can be.

After a while, I felt a presence at the doorway but didn’t bother paying them any attention.

“So, how pissed off was she to speed off like that?” Stepan asked, snapping my attention away from my laptop.
