Page 97 of Reckless

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His hand was warm in mine as we walked down the beach, the sand soft under our feet. I glanced over at him, shaking my head. “There’s that modesty I love so much.”

“You love everything about me. I’m an amazing footballer, a model, and now I’m a bi icon, according to Ainsley. Who wouldn’t love me?” He shot me a teasing glance.

“You missed humble off that list.”

“I’m so humble. The humblest of all men.”

“Of course you are.” I tugged him into me, kissing him hard. “You’re right, though. You know how much I love you.”

Nipping at my lip, he ran his hand down my back. “I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’m so fucking lucky to have you. You’re the best person I know. Every time I think I can’t love you more, my heart just expands.” Pulling back from me, he dropped the football to the sand and then spread out his hands. He paused for a second before slamming his palms together, miming an explosion. “I’m genuinely worried it’s going to explode one of these days.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works, baby.”

His eyes narrowed. “I hope you’re right, for your sake.”

I pulled him into another kiss. It was my favourite way to stop him talking.

When we drew apart, both of us were breathless. He smiled at me before pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. Scooping up the ball, he took my hand again. “I like being here with you, with no one else around.”

“Me too. Here, we’re just two anonymous people on the beach. Jordan and Theo. Not the famous footballers. Just us.”

“Just us.” He grinned at me as we began walking again. “And a football. Come on, let’s play while it’s still light enough to see.”

We kicked off our sliders and stepped onto the hard, packed sand at the water’s edge. The waves lapped at my toes, the setting sun still warming my skin. I turned to face Jordan and stopped and stared.

His brow was furrowed in concentration, his eyes fixed on the ball at his feet as he flicked it from one foot to the other. Lit up by the fiery reds and coppers of the fading rays, he was so beautiful he made me lose my breath. Memories flashed through my mind, one after the other. Another beach, another time. I’d thought he was so beautiful even then, but I never could’ve imagined we’d end up like this. Together.

His head rose, and his eyes widened at the expression on my face. “What?”

“Nothing.” I stepped closer to him, catching the ball with the side of my foot and bringing it to a stop. “Just thinking. The first time we played football together on the beach—that was the first time I really felt as if we were teammates. It was the first time I thought that maybe things would work out between us.”

“Me too.” He curved his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me into the slowest, deepest, softest kiss, his fingers sliding up into my hair as my arms wrapped around his waist. “And they have.”

I felt the ball slip out from under my foot a millisecond before Jordan tore away from me, a wide, bright grin on his face.

“Better work on those reflexes, baby.”

An answering smile spread across my lips. “You’re going to pay for that.” I lunged at him, but he darted back, laughing, before spinning around and kicking the ball down the beach.

“Yeah?” he called over his shoulder. “Come and catch me, then.”

