Page 11 of Illyria

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“That’s what he wants to talk to you about. He wants to buy the warehouses.”

“We can discuss business later, Mercy. I’m tired and want to go to bed.”

“I understand,” the handsome man said. “Follow me. I believe I have everything you requested. I’ve put you in one of the penthouses. Your secretary, Olivia, called and made all the arrangements. Your housekeeper, Mrs. Rushton, arrived earlier today and is already upstairs. The club has ensured you complete anonymity for your stay and Montana has personally assured that you will not be disturbed.”

“And the other matter?”

Mercy grinned. “Taken care of.”

“Good.” I said, walking into the elevator.

“Some advice, Illyria,” Mercy sobered before saying. “Be careful. He isn’t like the others. You, of all people, know that. I will keep your secret, even from Montana, but if that secret endangers my club, I will tell Montana.”

“I understand.”

I knew the penthouse would be opulent. I didn’t expect anything less. Davenport Tower didn’t just have a high reputation for privacy, they also boasted top of the line luxury. As one of the largest buildings in the city, Davenport Tower catered to the uber rich but even that wasn’t enough to get you in the door. The application for a penthouse was rigorous and thorough. From my understanding, the selection committee had denied some of the wealthiest families around the world. Status and bank accounts didn’t matter here. What the criteria was, was a mystery. All I knew was that Davenport Tower was the most exclusive building in the city, if not the world. The security was top-notch and without an invitation, no one was getting into the building.

When the elevator door opened, I walked forward as Mercy began, “Okay. There are five rooms. Each has its own personal bathroom. There is a living room, a rec room, kitchen and dining room. The kitchen is state-of-the art. There is also an office and a library. I had Shame set up your office. Everything you’ll need is there, along with a new laptop. The penthouse is motion activated. Only my security has access. No one will have access to enter this floor but you and me. Not even Montana can get up here without your explicit permission.”

“Hello, Ms. Illyria,” Mrs. Rushton smiled, walking over to take my bag. “How was your trip, dear?”

Deborah Rushton was my personal housekeeper and had been since the moment I moved out of my family’s compound. Almost like a second mother to me, I loved Mrs. Rushton dearly.


“Good. Now, I’ve already prepared your room, so go change. I have prepared a light meal, since I know you don’t eat well after traveling. Nothing special, just a light pasta fagioli and some garlic bread. Will your guest be staying for dinner?”

“No, Mrs. Rushton, but thank you,” Mercy quickly spoke before handing me the keycard to the penthouse. “I need to get going. If you need anything else, you know how to reach me.”

“Thank you, Mercy.”

“If you follow me, Ms. Illyria, I will show you to your room.”

Doing as Mrs. Rushton requested, I didn’t bother with looking about the penthouse. I wasn’t going to be here long enough, anyway. As far as I was concerned, this was just temporary lodging.

The room Mrs. Rushton put me in was beautiful, I will say that. The large king size bed looked divine and the view was stunning. Walking over to the floor to ceiling windows, I looked out over the city as the rain clouded it in a darkness I was familiar with.

He was out there somewhere, lurking in the shadows. Watching, waiting for me to show my face. I knew he was. I felt him close the second my plane landed at LaGuardia.

I wasn’t stupid.

I knew he knew I was here. He always knew.

Reaching into my suit jacket, I pulled out the small picture I always kept with me. A reminder, I told myself. So, I would never forget.

Running my finger gently over his face, I tried to hold back the visceral emotions that wanted to swamp me as a lone tear fell onto the picture.

It was a happy time.

One of many.

I was running late. Nothing unusual for me. I had just graduated college at Loyola University and my brothers were throwing me a party. My mom was so happy. She invited everyone. The party was nothing special, just a small summer barbeque at the family compound. Last I knew, there would be close to a hundred people.

“Illyria! Let’s go!” my cousin Maria shouted from the living room of my small apartment. “I’m not getting my ass handed to me by Aunt Nicoletta!”

“I’m coming!”

Checking my make-up one more time, I turned to leave when he stepped out of the shadows. Turning quickly, I looked towards the door, then back at him, whispering, “What the hell are you doing here? If Maria sees you, she will lose her shit.”
