Page 18 of Illyria

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I huffed. “I’ve been on everyone’s radar since I was born. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Benson and Barney were working for Boris Petrovitch, Illyria. They were syphoning information to him so he can take over the East Coast.”

I stilled.

I knew who Boris was. He was the head of the West coast Bratva. If I thought my Russian bastard was evil, Petrovitch made him look like the Easter Bunny. There wasn’t a single person in the underworld that didn’t know of Petrovitch and what he had his hands in. My family steered clear of the fucker, giving him no room to weasel his way into Chicago. Giovanni met with the other families long ago and they all agreed Petrovitch was not welcome in Chicago. I knew from my time with Maxim that he kept a firm hand on the East Coast Bratva families, containing Petrovitch to the West Coast. I’d heard rumors that Petrovitch wanted to branch out, but I never imagined the vile fucker would have the balls to go up against Maxim.

He wasn’t called the Bloodletter for nothing.

“There was a meeting last night. The heads of all the major families in the city came together. Your family included. There is a war coming.”

Twirling my glass in my hand, I watched the red wine swirl around. This was a lot of information to take in. Considering I was a female, I found it odd that Montana was relaying everything so clearly for me. “Why are you telling me this? I’m not the head of my family.”

“No, your brother Giovanni is and he’s in the process of turning that honor over to Salvatore, as I am sure you are aware.”

I nodded. I was aware. What concerned me was that Montana knew. Mafia and Biker rarely, if ever, discussed the internal workings of their groups with each other. It just wasn’t done. For my brother to discuss family business with Montana meant only one thing.

Giovanni knew war was coming, and he was protecting me again.

“We all agreed to keep the Gentlemen’s club open for business.”

“Then hire someone to run it. Don’t see why you need me? If what you said is true, then I’m a liability.”

“Because we all respect you, Illyria. There is no one on this planet that is more protected than you. Every single one of the families in this city would kill to protect you. You are the one woman in the city that no one will ever go against.”

Smirking, I took a drink. “Not so sure about that, Montana. There is someone in this city who has no problem hurting me.”

“Sweetheart, look at me,” he breathed.

Looking up at him, he carefully continued, “I wish there was something I could say to make everything better for you, but there isn’t. We’ve all made mistakes, me included. What I can tell you is that you are not the only one hurting. He fucked up. He knows that. Let me ask you this. Why did you refuse his claim?”

“Because it would never work. We are from two different worlds and my family would never allow it.”

“Sweetheart, you can’t live your life straddling the line. You have to pick a side. Either you are in or out. You can’t spend your life living up to the expectations of your family. It’s your life, Illyria. Your brothers will never like who you end up with. You know that. So why are you holding back?”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t trust him.”

“Like he can trust you?” Montana countered cautiously.

“What do you mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Jackson Deveroux.”

“He’s just a friend.”

“Well, I’m letting you know Maxim knows about the attorney you’ve been fucking on the side.”

“So what?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “He’s got no say in who I take to my bed anymore.”

“Think that if it makes you feel better, but you and I know the truth. Some advice, Illyria. Stay the fuck away from Mr. Deveroux. Maxim will only allow so much.”

I knew Montana was telling the truth. Maxim Fedorov was many things, but understanding wasn’t one of them. The man took what he wanted and didn’t give a flying fuck who he hurt in the process. He was maniacal, cold-hearted and deadly when it came to something or someone he considered his. And though I’ve been avoiding him like the plague for the last year, even I knew I belonged to Maxim.

“He knows I’m in the city, doesn’t he?” I muttered, looking at the exit as I drummed my expertly manicured nails on the table.

“He knew the second your plane landed. Like you, that man has eyes and ears everywhere. And baby, his eyes are locked on you.”

“So, he knows about this meeting, then?”

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