Page 20 of Illyria

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I knew this was a bad idea from the moment Montana suggested it. If I had half a fucking brain, I would have squashed the idea before it took root. Now, I was stuck.

How the fuck could I conduct business if I wasn’t allowed in the damn building? No. I was going to have to intervene and let the chips fall where they lay. Illyria Valentinetti may be a mafia princess, but she was my Queen, even if she refused to acknowledge me.

“Boss,” Vladmir whispered. “You want the boys to follow her?”

I simply nodded.

She was in my city now. I needed her protected. With Petrovitch running free, her life was in more danger than before.

She knew it and so did I.

The door to the club’s office opened as Montana walked in, looking a little pale. “Jesus, fuck, Fedorov. That woman is fucking scary. Take my advice and do as she says. Stay the hell away from her.”

“He doesn’t and I’ll kill him,” Giovanni growled, stepping away from the wall. “I warned you years ago to leave my sister alone. Now, you will reap what you sowed. If one hair is out of place, I will bring the full weight of the Italian families down upon your head. You wanted my sister. Well, she’s your problem now, Fedorov.”

“That’s gonna be hard, Gio,” Lorenzo muttered. “She’s threatened to make him a eunuch.”

“Not my problem.”

Ignoring the bickering brothers, I looked at Montana. “What’s the word on Petrovitch?”

My friend took a seat and sighed. “He’s in the wind. So is Graves. Malice took care of Barney last night. The club is ours until we sign it over to Illyria. I’m starting to think Salvatore is right about involving his sister. She may be more than we can handle.”

“I will take care ofMoya Lyubov.”

“Are you deaf, man?” Renaldo sighed. “She just threatened to cut your dick off and shove it up your ass. I know you’re from Russia, but here in the United States, that means step the fuck back.”

“He steps away from her, it’s war,” Giovanni growled, getting my attention. “I don’t know what the hell you did to piss her off, Fedorov, but you better fix it, and fast. Your life is now aligned with hers. Anything happens to her, and I kill you.”

“Don’t threaten me, Valentinetti.”

“Then fix what you broke!” Giovanni shouted, slamming his hands on the desk. “This has gone on long enough. Five years, man. For five years, you’ve chased my sister. For five years, my family has dealt with the drama between the two of you. No more. What the hell did you do because everything I’m thinking doesn’t warrant the treatment she’s dishing out? So, tell us. Why is my sister so hell bent on fucking killing you?”

“He’s got a point, Maxim,” Montana carefully said, looking at me. “If they are going to back this play, they need to know what they’re dealing with. This isn’t just about protecting her anymore. We all have a vested interest in her safety, but she wants your dick on a platter. Tell them why?”

Glancing at Vladmir, who stoically stared at me, expressionless. He didn’t have to say anything. I knew what he was thinking. He never liked what I did to her. He made that clear on more than one occasion. For several months afterwards, he barely communicated with me, and when he did, he was curt.

The problem with telling them the truth was telling them the whole truth. A truth I wasn’t ready to tell. I still wasn’t sure what Petrovitch was up to and until I knew everything, I couldn’t in good conscience involve the others. It was a gamble. I knew that. Because when the time came and I did come clean, I wasn’t sure any of them would be around to help.

This life wasn’t for everyone.

Alliances broke all the time.

I hoped when the dust settled, I could still call these men my friends. The fact of the matter was Montana only knew part of my story. I told him what I wanted him to know, so he could understand Illyria’s hatred towards me. As for the why, well, I wasn’t ready to say.

Getting to my feet, I buttoned my suit jacket and said, “Gentlemen, as always, it’s been a pleasure. I will leave you to handle the transfer of property to Ms. Valentinetti.”

Montana growled, getting to his feet. “Tell them, Fedorov.”

Taking a deep breath, I sighed.

Fine. If Montana wanted to play peacemaker, who was I to stop him? I had things to attend to. Turning to Giovanni, Salvatore and Lorenzo, I clearly spoke. “Your sister wants me dead because a year ago, the night of the Foundation Ball, she walked into my penthouse uninvited and saw me fucking another woman.”

“You motherfucker!” Sal roared, punching me in the face.

Taking a step back, I held up my hand to stop Vladmir, who had his hand in his jacket. “It’s alright,Vlad.”

“How could you?!” Sal roared angrily. “She loved you!”
