Page 22 of Illyria

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“And the other thing?”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “Yes. How is everything in that regard?”

Mrs. Rushton smiled happily, reaching into her apron, producing her phone. Sliding it towards me, I picked it up and looked at the screen, smiling as I ran my finger over the screen.

“Clara says everything is well.”

Deleting the photo, I placed the phone back on the counter and sighed, looking around the opulent penthouse. “Good. You know she can’t stay here, right? It’s not safe.”

“I’ve been making discrete inquiries. There is a place on Fifth that faces Central Park that will work. I’ve already contacted the realtor, and the master penthouse will be ready next week. It’s perfect. There is even a garden on the balcony.”

“Good. Tell me the cost and I will take care of everything. In the meantime, it looks as if this place will be home for the foreseeable future. So, call the cousins and have them pack up my apartment in Chicago. If I’m going to be in this damn city, I want my things around me.”

“Already did, my dear. Everything will arrive in a few days. In the meantime, I’ve called Valentino and Dior. They are sending over a few things in the morning.”

Smirking, I looked at Mrs. Rushton. “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

“Of course, my dear. This isn’t my first rodeo. There was a time, long before you were born, that your mother needed my help. And as I’m helping you, I was there for her. Your mother and I became close friends after that. The night after you were born, she asked me to protect you if anything ever happened to her. She loved you so much, Illyria. Her baby girl. She would be so proud of the woman you are becoming. I know I am.”

Quickly wiping away a lone tear, I sniffed. “Thank you for that, Mrs. Rushton.”

“Now,” the older woman straightened her shoulders. “I’ve got things to take care of, and so do you. I suggest you hop to it.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With the deed to the Gentlemen’s Club in my hands, I wasted no time with the remodeling of the club. The place was outdated and a complete mess, so I hired an interior designer to redesign the entire building from top to bottom. If the Gentlemen’s Club was going to cater to the rich and unsavory, then I wanted it to be the best damn club in the city.

I didn’t believe in doing anything by half measures.

It was all or nothing.

Everything was going according to plan and within a few short months, I would open the doors again and everything would be business as usual. Sitting behind my brand-new desk in my sparsely decorated office, I was going over the quarterly reports from Valentinetti Corp. when there was a knock on the door. Looking up as my cousin Maria walked in.

“Everything okay?”

“Yes. I thought you would like to know that Mrs. Rushton called. Clara arrived safely and is now ensconced at the Harbor on 5thAvenue. Shall I make arrangements for you to visit later this evening?”

“Please. And tell Mrs. Rushton I will stay with Clara tonight after the Vanderveer Gala.”

Maria grinned. “Already did, cousin. You can leave straight from the venue, and no one will be the wiser.”

“Is there anything else?”

“You have a visitor,” she frowned.

By the look on her face, I knew she wasn’t happy with who was here. Turning to my computer, I clicked over to the newly installed security feeds and saw who she was talking about. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair. “Did he say what he wanted?”

“Nope. Only that he needed to talk to you. Don’t you think it odd that he shows up the exact day Clara arrives?”

I shrugged. “Possibly, but it could be a coincidence.”

“I don’t believe in coincidences Illyria, and you know that.”

I concurred. My cousin didn’t believe in anything but cold, hard facts. “It’s nothing.”

“Well, I don’t like it.”

I chuckled at that. “Maria, you don’t like anything.”

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