Page 24 of Illyria

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.”

“There were only three of them. The oldest is Bogdan, then Maxim, and finally their sister, Dominika. Bogdan was an evil child. He hated the fact that he had a brother so close in age. A brother who could challenge him when the time came. Bogdan wanted it all. He was a greedy, evil bastard. Bogdan aligned himself with another family, angering Anton. Those years were horrible. In the end, Anton did what he had to and protected Maxim and Dominika as best he could, but it wasn’t enough. Maxim was returning home from dinner with his father the night Bogdan stormed into the house. He went straight for Dominika.”

Vladmir’s face paled and my breath stilled, waiting for him to continue. “He raped her. He raped his own sister. She was only fourteen. When the car pulled up to the house, Maxim and his father heard Dominika’s screams. They rushed in and saw Bogdan on top of Dominika as others stood by and laughed. Maxim didn’t think. He attacked Bogdan and would have killed him if it weren’t for Anton. But it was too late. Maxim was in a killing rage when his father got between him and Bogdan. Before anyone could stop him, Maxim struck a killing blow to his father, ripping out his throat.”

“Oh God,” I whispered in shock.

“When Maxim realized what he’d done, he turned that rage on Bogdan, but the bastard had already fled. Those who watched and did nothing to stop Bogdan never left the house alive. Maxim killed them all, then sent their heads back to their families with a warning.”

“What happened to Bogdan?”

“He disappeared. Back then, Russia was reorganizing. The government was trying to put an end to the families. Eventually, Maxim was forced to flee Russia,” Vladmir said while looking away. “The night Maxim killed his father, he changed. He became hard, unmovable. He closed himself off and refused to let anyone in. Then he met you. For four years, I watched as you slowly peeled away the scars of his past to reveal the boy I once remembered. Maxim was a wonderful boy, Illyria. Full of life and hope. He wanted to be a concert pianist. Did you know that?”

I shook my head.

“His love of music he got from his mother. Polina was a gifted pianist. When she died, some part of Maxim did too, but he still cared.”

Leaning back in my chair, I looked at the wall behind him and sighed. “He didn’t care enough, Vladmir. Because if he did, he wouldn’t have done what he did.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say, woman. He cared too much.”

Shaking my head, I groaned. “I don’t understand. You’re not making sense.”

Vladmir shook his head, getting to his feet. “I’ve said too much already. I will pass along your message to the boss. Thank you for seeing me.”

Turning to leave, I stopped Vladmir by asking, “Vlad. Where is Bogdan now?”

Vlad stiffened, then slowly turned his head to look me straight in the eyes and saying, “Closer than you think.”

Chapter Eight


It was the night of the Vanderveer Cancer Research Gala.

Everyone who was anyone would be in attendance.

The Vanderveer Cancer Research Center held the annual ball to raise funds for cancer research. It was a cause I stood behind and supported wholeheartedly. The money made from tonight’s ball would go to lung and bronchus cancer research, the deadliest cancer. Lung cancer was responsible for the most cancer deaths worldwide. Nearly three times higher than colorectal cancer. While every cancer was bad, none was more so than lung cancer.

It was going to be a night of fun, dancing, good food, and money.

Too bad I wasn’t going to enjoy the festivities. No. I needed to talk to Montana.

I wanted his reassurance that he would back me up at the meeting if Maxim showed. I was unequivocal in my statement that scumbag was not authorized on the premises.

It was my club now, and I made the rules.

Taking one last look in the mirror, I sighed.

It was now or never.

I knew Maxim would be at the Gala. He never missed an opportunity to corner me in public, knowing damn well I wouldn’t fight him or cause a scene.

Society decorum and all that shit.

My goal was to get in and get out before the big Russian bastard arrived.

Leaving my room, I grabbed my clutch as my heels clicked on the marble floor.
