Page 25 of Illyria

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“Mrs. Rushton, I’m leaving,” I said, just as I entered the living room. “I will be staying at the Harbor on 5thtonight, so don’t expect me until tomorrow evening.”

“Have a good night, dear, and give Clara a kiss for me.”

“I will,” I muttered, checking my clutch to make sure I had everything I needed.

Reaching for my wrap, I left the penthouse.

The Gala was in full swing by the time I arrived. The paparazzi were out in force, clamoring for a juicy tidbit, picture, or inkling of gossip they could splash across any of the nasty rags they worked for. Ignoring them, I rushed past the flashing lights and into the building. After handing my wrap over to the coat clerk, I accepted my ticket, placing it in my clutch.

Entering the ballroom, I quickly scanned the room and found the person I was looking for. The quicker I got his reassurance, the faster I could get the hell out of here. Making my way towards him, Mercy turned and winked just as I said, “Montana.”

Placing my hand around his shoulders, I quickly leaned forward and planted a kiss near his lips when I heard a woman say, “Oh yeah. Now it’s getting interesting.”

Ignoring the comment, I quickly said. “Montana, when you have time, I need a moment.”

Before he could respond, a beautiful blonde grabbed his arm, pulling him towards her.

“He’s taken, bitch.”

“I beg your pardon,” I smiled.

“Baby, it’s not what you think,” Montana quickly said.

The clearly drunk woman ignored him. “He’s mine. Go find another fuck buddy.”

“Told ya,” a cute woman chuckled, slapping her date’s chest.

“Baby,” Montana pleaded, trying to calm the drunk woman as she slapped his hands away as she stepped closer to me. “Go away.”

“Oh shit,” I heard Kansas chuckle. “Is she really taking on Illyria Valentinetti?”

“Shut up, Kansas,” Montana growled. “This isn’t funny. Tessa’s had too much to drink. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”

So, this was the elusive Tessa Jackson. The woman who had been causing so much trouble for Montana lately. She was stunning. I got why Montana was head over heels for her. Too bad I didn’t have time to watch their lovers’ quarrel. The quicker I got out of here, the happier I would be.

“Oh, I think she knows exactly what she is saying,” the cute woman laughed.

“Montana, he’s here,” Mercy shouted, as he ran over, looking towards the entrance as Kansas winked at me, trying to hide his smile.

Shaking my head, I smirked.

“Shit,” Montana cursed. “Alright everyone. Party’s over. Illyria, I’d get out of here now, if I were you. Kansas, there are waiting SUVs out back. Get Kali and get the fuck out of here now. Everyone else meet back at the clubhouse. It’s going to be a miracle if we get out of here unscathed.”

Quickly turning around, I spotted who entered the Gala. For once, it wasn’t who I was expecting. Only it was worse. Quickly scanning for the nearest emergency exit, Malice inadvertently pushed me to the side as he ran into the crowd, just as total pandemonium broke out.

Ducking, I raced for the nearest exit when a powerful arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off my feet. I didn’t need to ask who it was. I should have known. Where there was trouble, he was always there in the thick of it. I could smell his expensive aftershave, feel his familiar chest, hear his resonating growl as he barked orders fluently in Russian.

Before I could utter a damn word, a large black SUV raced towards me, skidding to a stop as the back door flung open as I stared in abject horror.

No motherfucking way.

“Get in!” Jackson Deveroux, my friend and part time fuck buddy, shouted. “He’s tearing up the place looking for her!”

Maxim wasted no time as he threw me into the SUV and climbed in after me, just as the vehicle sped off into the night.

Ignoring the fact that Jackson was sitting in the front seat as Vladmir drove off like a bat out of hell, weaving in and out of traffic, my hand slid under the slit of my dress as I reached for my gun, I had strapped to my thigh. I may be a woman, but I wasn’t stupid.

Pointing my gun at the Russian bastard, I sneered. “I fucking warned you.”
