Page 5 of Illyria

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I gave him a chance.

He enjoyed the chase and I’ll at least admit I enjoyed being chased. It was fun while it lasted. I thought he was the one. Someone I could spend the rest of my life with.

I thought wrong.

He was like all the others.

A two-timing whore.

Closing my eyes, I could still hear the sounds. I could still see his men’s shocked faces as I showed up out of the blue. I should have known something was wrong then.

My mind shouted at me to leave, but I didn’t listen.

I never did.

“Illyria?” Vladmir said, jumping to his feet, looking around as I walked into his penthouse. It was the night of the Foundation’s Charity Ball. A global charity which catered to exploited and traumatized children. Run by a member of the Soulless Sinners, the charity eventwas the first ball of the season and everyone who was anyone would be there. As the family representative, I was required to attend. I was having a good time until he showed up and everything went to shit. I said stuff, he said stuff. In the end, I slapped him and ran away. A childish move, but the big bastard really pissed me off. When I thought about what I did, I felt sorry and wanted to apologize.

I should have stayed away.

When Vladmir Ivenok, his personal bodyguard, best friend and the man who knew him best, saw me, I knew something was wrong. All the others deferred to Vlad, not wanting to bother their boss. I got it. My brother Giovanni had Marko. They were thick as thieves until they weren’t. Yet the shock and worry on Vlad’s face set off warning bells in my head. Something wasn’t right here.

“What are you still doing in New York City?”

“My plane doesn’t leave till morning. Where is he?”

Vladmir cleared his voice, looked around at the other men who stood silently, all looking to Vladmir for guidance.

That’s when I heard it.

I knew what that sound was.

I wasn’t stupid.

Turning towards the noise, I took a step when Vlad grabbed my arm. “You don’t want to see, sweetheart.”

I looked at the hand wrapped around my wrist and snarled, “Get your fucking hands off me before I cut it off.”

Vlad quickly let me go.

Gone was the happy feeling of spending the weekend with him. Gone were all the thoughts I had of a future with him. Instead, all I saw was blinding red fury. Making my way up the stairs, I took each step intently, methodically slow, letting the sounds fuel my rage. I knew what he was doing, but I refused to believe it until I saw him with my own eyes.

A picture was worth a thousand words they say. Well, I needed it imprinted in my head. I needed the reminder that no man was trustworthy. I need a word. Something to remember when the next asshole came knocking.

I didn’t know what those words were yet, but as I made my way down the long hall to his bedroom, several started forming in my head.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I opened his bedroom door to find him on his back, his eyes closed in ecstasy as a woman rode his dick into the mattress, moaning and panting. His hands gripped her hips as he moved her over him, grinding himself into her.

It was at that very moment, my world turned upside down as thoughts of his blood dripping from my hands gave me solitude. Standing there, watching him, I never wanted to kill anyone more in my life.

For years, this mother fucker tried and got me to love him and for what? So, he could continuewith his life and fuck whomever he wanted. I was crystal clear with him. I refused to be a kept woman. If that was what he wanted, then he needed to find someone else. Even with all my warnings, he still chased me.

And God help me, I let him catch me.

Standing there, I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he pumped his dick into her. I smirked as the woman cried out on top of him, gasping for air.

I knew what she was feeling.

I, too, had been in the same predicament.
