Page 63 of Illyria

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“I think whoever wrote in the journal is a mole.”

That got my attention. Sitting up, I stated, “That means Petrovitch has someone in his organization that can be bought.”

“Yes. But I think this mole already works for someone.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because these entries coincide with dates of big parties.”

“What do you mean? What parties?”

“All these dates where the mole hurriedly scribbles. They are dates of big galas, banquets, balls, etcetera. Fancy parties that not only you’ve attended but so has Montana Stone and Maxim Fedorov.”

“Are you suggesting this mole is working for one of them?”

Sypher nodded. “Or both. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Why would Mr. Stone or Mr. Fedorov have a mole in Petrovitch’s organization?”

“I’m more worried about who they talked into doing such an asinine thing? I mean, to go into an organization like Petrovitch’s with no kind of backup is suicide. Whoever it is must have known that if he got caught, it would be an instant death sentence.”

“Or it was someone who had nothing to lose. Someone who could talk himself out of anything. Whoever the mole is, he’s in trouble. The last entry was the night Montana raided the Gentlemen’s Club and discovered Benson Graves files. There is nothing after that.”

“What about my name and the others, Remi, Layla and Tessa? Have you found anything about them? And what about the nameArianwen?”

“Well, that’s where it gets weird,” Sypher said, turning back to his computer, typing fast.

I chuckled. “You mean it’s not weird enough yet?”

“Oh, it’s weird, but look at this. I found this on page three. It’s about Remi.”

“What does he say?”

“It’s written in Gaelic. Anytime the author or mole writes about you ladies, he does so in Gaelic. Almost as if protecting you all somehow. Gaelic is a dying language. Few people left on earth can read or write it. He takes care when writing these passages, almost as if he’s concentrating, putting a lot of thought into them.”

“What does he say?”

“Well, for starters, in this passage, he’s apologizing to Remi. Something about his part in her big day. He says he never meant to cause her so much anguish.”

“Big day?” I muttered. “Her wedding?”

Sypher nodded. “The entry date was days after, but then the only other entry regarding Remi was months ago, where he once again apologizes for his part in causing her more pain and hopes that one day, she can forgive them.”


“That’s what he wrote. I looked it up three times to make sure I had the correct translation. He wrote ‘them’. Then he wrote, pleading with her to forgive him.”

“It’s almost as if he is talking about someone else?”

“That was my thought, too.”

“What about Layla?” I asked curiously.

“There is only one entry that mentions Layla. He apologizes for not realizing the truth sooner. That he tried to stop her cousin’s betrayal but was too late.”

“He has to be talking about when Carmine betrayed Layla. He died for that betrayal, too.”

Sypher nodded.

“What about Tessa?”
