Page 64 of Illyria

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“He talks about her father and protecting her son. That she isn’t safe. That he wished he could have done more to protect her. He warns her that her friend is not a friend but the lover of the boss. He talks about the plans his boss has for her and how it disgusts him. This entry is at the end of the journal. Whoever this is, has had enough. He wants out.”

“He’s talking about Tia. She handed Tessa over to Petrovitch. Tessa is still recovering from her time with that bastard.”

“Ms. Illyria, most of the entries where he writes in Gaelic are about you. Your life. The danger you’ve put yourself in. He fears he won’t be able to protect you. But there is one particular entry I want to read to you. It’s dated almost six months ago. It’s the only entry that I can’t make heads or tails about. It reads...I can’t stop him. He searched far and wide for the truth and now he knows. He won’t stop until both of you are dead. Please, oh please do the right thing for once in your life. Because I fear when the time comes, there will be nothing I can do. I can’t lose you too.”

“Knows what?”

Sypher shrugged. “He doesn’t say.”

Just then his computer dinged. Turning back to his monitors, Sypher started typing something into his computer when he sighed. “Well, this isn’t good?”

“What isn’t?

Sypher turned to me and said. “I know whoArianwen is and you’re not going to like who or where she is?”

Chapter Twenty


This was turning into a clusterfuck.

Sitting at the table surrounded by the heads of all the major families, major players, along with Montana, I listened as Giovanni ranted endlessly. I understood why he was angry. He had every right to be, but he was out of the game. The second he walked away and handed Salvatore the reins, he stopped being on Petrovitch’s radar. If he was smart, he’d get back on his plane and never look back.

“Say something!” Giovanni roared, slamming his hands on the table.

Sighing, I took a deep breath and looked my brother-in-law dead in the eye. “I don’t owe you any explanation.”

“No, but you owe me one,” Sal muttered, turning his head towards me. “As the head of the Valentinetti Family, I have a right to know, Fedorov. My family has an alliance with the Golden Skulls. We swore to give them aid when needed. My sister-in-law is the blood bonded sister to Reaper. We are family.”

“I’m confused. Who is the head of the Valentinetti Family now?” Montana countered point blank, pissing both Giovanni and Salvatore off even more.

I knew Montana was deflecting the conversation.

We both knew what was coming.

“Why would Reaper do this? I got he wanted the Society to believe the Golden Skulls were dead, but his plan didn’t work. Did it? No, because in the end, it took all of us to bring them down. So, what was the plan for Petrovitch?” Ghost asked, sitting at the table.

The acting President of the Golden Skulls looked disgusted as he shook his head. If anyone understood Reaper and the way his mind worked, it was Ghost. “Let me guess. Reaper knew the plan wouldn’t work and made a contingency plan.”

When I stayed silent, Ghost cursed, getting to his feet shaking his head. “Motherfucker. That’s it. I’m done. I warned Reaper no more lies. Fuck him and fuck all of you. You want to continue to play these games, then you can do so without the Golden Skulls. We’re out.”

“Sit down,” Montana growled, narrowing his eyes at the man. The room went deathly silent as my men, along with the Soulless Sinners, stepped forward.

This meeting would not end well.

Ghost smirked. “Fuck you,Montana. You don’t get to tell me what to do with my club.”

“I said sit the fuck down, you fucking pussy bitch,” Montana menacingly reiterated.

No one moved.

Not even me.

I’d heard rumors of Montana Stone’s vile temper but had never seen it. Though I was positive if Ghost refused Montana, all of us were about to see a side of my friend that was rarely seen. When Ghost refused to move, Malice and Payne stepped up behind him and pushed him back down into his seat. Holding him there as he tried to fight his way free.

Getting to his feet, Montana growled angrily as he bent over, placing his hands on the table. “You think you can talk to me that way? You should thank me, you fucking cunt! Instead of working with Reaper to solve the problem, you hid behind his skirts, then bolted when he needed you the most. He was the motherfucking President of your club and you left him. Where was your fucking loyalty? I show up to help you get rid of the Satan’s Angels and where the fuck were you, Ghost? Hiding in a fucking safe room like some little bitch! You are not fit to wear that patch! All of you should be thanking Maxim, Reaper and I. At least we had the motherfucking balls to act! You should all be thanking us!”

Getting to my feet, I placed my hand on Montana’s shoulder as he turned and roared before punching a hole in the nearest wall.

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