Page 65 of Illyria

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“Gentlemen, let me break this down in simple terms for you,” I said, knowing it was time to tell them everything. Our plan lasted longer than we thought. Almost two years and in that time, our mole gathered a plethora of information. Now that the secret was out, it was time to bring the other families into the fold. “When you all took out the Society, you forgot one important actor. The middleman. The man who worked with all the players. A man with nothing to lose and so much to gain. When you killed off the major actors of the Society, you did his job for him and now he’s doing exactly what Reaper, Montana and I thought he would.”

“He is cleaning up loose ends,” Renaldo Romero stated, sitting back in his chair.

“It’s more than that. Petrovitch wants all of us. Me more so than all of you. You should know, Ghost, it wasn’t Reaper who reached out to us. It was me who reached out to him.”


“Boss,” Vladmir whispered. “You don’t have to explain anything to them. They won’t understand.”

Holding up my hand, I stopped my second.

The time had come for everyone to learn the truth.

“The Golden Skulls weren’t the only ones trying to get rid of the Society, Ghost. Contrary to your beliefs, the Society didn’t really care that much about your little motorcycle club. The Golden Skulls are chump change compared to my organization or the Soulless Sinners, who are global. We are two organizations the Society couldn’t infiltrate and desperately needed to if they wanted to move forward with their plan. You think your club made a dent in their organization by saving all those people? You didn’t even scratch the surface. You were a nuisance, an annoying fly.”

“The same goes for you, Giovanni,” Montana said firmly, walking over to stand next to me. “Your family is small. Only covers Chicago. Though Bratva, Maxim’s organization, is worldwide. He has contacts all over the world. Contacts that the Society coveted and desperately needed. When they couldn’t get Fedorov to fall in line, they started going after the people connected to Maxim.”

“My sister Dominika was a beautiful young girl with her whole life ahead of her until Petrovitch snuffed out her light. The night I fled Russia, I found Petrovitch and his goons raping my sister. I lost it and killed those I could. In the aftermath, it was only then that I realized in my bloodlust I killed my father as well. He tried to stop me from killing Petrovich. In the end, I fled Russia with my sister with a price on our heads. Once in America, my sister had a hard time assimilating into our new lifestyle. She disappeared shortly after. I looked everywhere for her, but she vanished. Many years later, thanks to you, Giovanni, I learned that a man named Moonshine, the President of the Tennessee Chapter of the Golden Skulls, gave my sister refuge in the hills of Tennessee near his clubhouse. During her time there, my sister lived a relatively peaceful life until she met and fell in love with James Doherty. They had a son, Dylan Franks Doherty, my nephew. Because of the fighting within the Golden Skulls, my sister fell victim once again when Sabastian Capribella raped my sister to get back at James Doherty, resulting in the birth of my niece Layla Franks Capribella.”

Holding up my hand to stop Giovanni from interrupting, I continued, “When I learned what happened to my sister and then to my niece, I knew there was only one person on the planet who could be so vile, so indiscriminate that the bloodlines between families didn’t matter. So, I started looking for him. He wasn’t hard to find. I knew he wouldn’t stop until every last drop of the Fedorov blood was gone from this earth. Only I didn’t consider the carnage he would wreak along the way. When I learned his plan, I sought Reaper out. He knew more about the Society than any of us. He’d been fighting them his whole life. We agreed to work together. Those secret texts and calls he received, Ghost. They were from me. I was passing along information I found to help him do what he needed to do. Only it didn’t work, as you all know. When Petrovitch realized what Reaper and I were planning, he stepped away from the Society right before the Golden Skulls and everyone attacked. He was always one step ahead and we never could figure out why.”

“That’s where I came in,” Montana said. “All of you know Benson Graves. The motherfucking accountant worked for all of us for years before my dad learned he stole millions from us. We thought we killed the fucker, but we were wrong. Benson took what he learned from all of us and gave that information to Petrovitch.”

“But Benson never worked for Fedorov,” Giovanni muttered.

I nodded. “That’s right. I prefer to keep my accounting in house. A lesson my father taught me well.”

“I get Benson. I got Petrovitch. Hell, I understand Reaper and the Golden Skulls. What I don’t get is you, Fedorov. Where do you fall into all of this? Why seek out Reaper and ask for his help?” Renaldo asked, then frowned before adding, “You said your father tried to stop you from killing Petrovitch. Why?”

Shaking my head, I instead offered an explanation. “The Bratva differs from your Italian Mafia, Renaldo. While some things are the same, there is much that is different. Secrets run rapid within the Bratva. Secrets are money. Secrets mean life or death. But the main thing you must know is that the bloodline does not guarantee safety. The Bratva is about power. Who has it? Who wants it? And who’s willing to do anything to get it? Most of those in our organization were not born into the Bratva. They’ve earned the right, killed for it, lied for it, bled for the right to wear the Russian star. Where your mafia relies on customs and civility, the Bratva knows no such thing.”

Looking at Ghost, I added, “You think Reaper had secrets, Ghost? The secrets I keep would give you nightmares. Reaper did the only thing he knew to protect you, his club brothers, even the woman he dearly loved. When a man is at his breaking point, he will transform himself into the most vile creature to save the ones that mean the most to him. He will do anything. He will even become the very evil she fears to ensure that she lives.”

“She was safe. He killed every threat to her and he still died,” Ghost countered, fuming with indignation. I knew at that moment he would never understand the lengths Reaper went to ensure his club survived.

“Did he?” I countered, fed up with this conversation.

None of them understood the gravity of the situation. They were still looking with blinders on. They needed to open their eyes and look between the lies. Petrovitch wasn’t going away because they got rid of the Society. They all thought they were free to do as they pleased. They were going to get themselves killed if they didn’t wake the fuck up.

“Boris Petrovitch isn’t going to go away, gentlemen,” Montana stated. “He has every one of us on his radar. We are a threat to him and what he wants. You think this is a simple case of vendetta, but it’s not. Petrovitch wants it all. We each have something he desperately wants. My club, Maxim’s organization, to end the mafia. He is going to come at us with everything he’s learned and that motherfucker had learned a lot about us thanks to Benson Graves. So, stop thinking small time and start thinking global.”

“He’s going after our families, isn’t he?” Salvatore muttered, before looking up at me. “More importantly, he’s going after Illyria. He wants her to get to you because you two are married.”

I nodded. “He gets Illyria. He kills two birds with one stone. He will have my organization and he will destroy your family.”

“That’s why you slept with that woman. It was the only way to push Illyria away.”


Ghost sighed, hanging his head as he muttered, “Shit. Reaper did the same thing. We all thought it was odd, out of character for him to allow cut sluts back in the club. He knew Remi hated them. Didn’t want them around the kids. When he started spending more time with Wendy, we all thought he was finally losing his mind after everything that happened, but he wasn’t,was he? He knew exactly what he was doing. He was still protecting Remi, wasn’t he?”

“Yes,” Montana affirmed, before I could.

“Why? What does Petrovitch want with Remi?” Ghost asked.

“It’s not my secret to tell,” I said, before carefully looking at Vladmir, who glared at me, slightly shaking his head. Looking back at Ghost, Montana offered, “All you need to know is that Remi is safe. Reaper ensured that.”

“With his life,” Ghost barely said.
