Page 76 of Illyria

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“I HATE YOU!” I screamed, at his retreating form.

“You have one hour to clean yourself up before I return. Unless you want to tell me the truth.”


Maxim shook his head and grinned. “I’ll see you in an hour, then.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Where is she?” Montana asked, as he drummed his fingers on a table, watching as I paced back and forth in the Soulless Sinners clubhouse. The gathering room was full of men from all sides. Bikers, mafia, Bratva. It wasn’t everyday men like us gathered, but for one particular woman, it seemed everyone wanted to lend a helping hand to make sure she stayed safe. I knew everyone likedMoya Lyubov, just didn’t know to what extent.

Now I did and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

She was mine.

My woman.

My wife.

“At the Gentlemen’s Club, preparing for the re-opening this weekend.”

“Who’s on her?” her brother, Giovanni asked, looking around the room at all the faces before returning to me.

“Half my crew, along with two men from every family. That’s not including the Retirement Rejects Montana loaned out to me. But it’s not enough.” It wouldn’t matter if I put the entire Armed Forces on Illyria. My woman could talk herself out of anything when the mood suited her. She was stubborn, opinionated, headstrong, devious, and at the moment, a complete pain in my ass.

She refused to submit. Refused to tell me what I needed to know. The whole night, I used her body for my own pleasure denying hers and still the stubborn vixen said nothing.

“Did she give you anything we can use, Maxim? Anything to help us figure out what she was looking for? Planning?”

“The only thing she let slip was her connection to the NYPD. Apparently, my pain in the ass has made friends all over the city and has threatened to release information on all of us if we stop her from living her life,” I sighed, taking a seat, hanging my head. “She thinks this is a game she can win. But she’s wrong. How do I get her to see the danger she’s really in?”

“You don’t,” Salvatore sighed, leaning back in his chair. “Illyria has always been of her own mind. She will believe what she wants to believe. Until she is faced with the truth for herself, there is nothing any of us can do to persuade her differently.”

That was the damn truth.

Stubborn woman.

“What about Sypher? Did he say anything?” I asked, looking at Montana, who shook his head.

“The kid refused to divulge anything. He’s currently sitting in my mailroom under lock and key. Which brings up another problem. I received an unexpected visit last night from his big brother, Cpt. Ace Franks. Fucking guy is trouble.”

“How so?”

“For starters, he’s military. Like gung-ho to the core military. He knows we have his little brother and he’s demanding I hand him over in the next forty-eight hours or he and his friends are going to storm this place.”

“I’m sure that ultimatum went down well?” Salvatore snickered.

“About as well as dicks in a meat-grinder. But the fucker isn’t playing. I bought us some time, but if we don’t release the kid soon, the bastard will be back.”

“Why forty-eight hours? You’d think if he wanted his kid brother, he’d demand him at that moment?” Renaldo asked, confused. I was as well. If someone was holding my family member, I wouldn’t leave without them.

Montana shrugged. “Got me. Even confused the hell out of Ghost who tried to get me to release the kid over to him, but that wasn’t going to happen. That fucking pussy is skating on thin ice as it is.”

“Where is Ghost?” Lorenzo asked, looking around the room for the acting President of the Golden Skulls M.C.

“On a plane back to Tennessee. He is of no help here, so I sent him packing.”

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