Page 78 of Illyria

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Typing away on my computer, I tried to ignore the two men lounging on my sofa as if they didn’t have things to do other than to babysit me.

It was ridiculous.

All these men for little ol’ me.

Then again, if Maxim knew me at all, he wouldn’t have let me leave his penthouse. Once I figured out his game last night, I let him think he had the upper hand. Though my body was paying for it today, I still won. He was still oblivious and my secret was safe.

Now, all I had to do was figure out a way to get a message to Mrs. Rushton without alerting my jailers. As my fingers clicked away on my keyboard, everything I came up with was impossible. I couldn’t call her because Vladmir was monitoring all my outgoing calls. I couldn’t text either because Vlad was forwarding all of those straight to my family and Maxim. I thought about sending an email, but Vlad had those covered too.

A knock at the door had me looking up. Smiling, I leaned against my desk as Happy walked in. “Hello, there. What brings you by?”

Happy was a sweet man. Big, burly and just plain happy all the time. He was also the chaplain of the Soulless Sinners and the grandfather to Linsey, Vicious’ wife.

The big man sat before my desk and shook his head. “Gotta say, gorgeous. You sure know how to cause a fuss when you’re around.”

“Really? How so?” I chuckled.

Happy saw the two men lounging on my sofa and nodded. “Seems overkill to me, but I just follow the rules. So, Montana sent me and the other Rejects as your personal bodyguards, my lady. Wherever you go, we are to follow.”

Leaning back, I sighed. “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

“Nope. Got told this morning before I even climbed out of bed. The Retirement Rejects are on the case. Well, your case, but you get what I’m saying.”

“This is ridiculous.” I stood walking around my desk as my two shadows immediately followed. Ignoring them, I left my office, heading for the main room of the club to find several men lounging around. Half of Maxim’s crew mingled and talked with members of my family, Renaldo’s family and the Rejects. In total, I counted twenty-five men.

“He’s lost his fucking mind.”

Happy stood beside me, rubbing his neck. “Yeah. All these men, for one little filly, is a bit much, but considering the trouble you’ve already caused, can you blame him?”

Rounding on the big man, I sneered. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I am free to do as I please. I don’t have to report to anyone. I never have and I never will!”

“That’s not true, cousin,and you know it,” Giuseppe muttered, as he threw a card down on the table before picking another. “You’ve always had men on you. From the moment you were born. There was nowhere you went that the family didn’t know about.”

Nikandr nodded. “The moment you started seeing the boss, he had men on you at all times as well.”

“They are right, Ms. Illyria,” Romeo Romano added, throwing two cards down before pulling two more from the deck. “Every time you entered the city, Renaldo put some of our men on you as a favor to your family. You’ve never been alone.”

“Are you all telling me that all of you have babysat me at one time or another?”

Every man in the room nodded.

“Gorgeous, is there somewhere we can talk without other ears,” Happy whispered as a few eyes in the room took notice.

“Whatever you need to say to Mrs. Fedorov, you can say in front of all of us. We’ve all been ordered to relay her day in detail,” Vladmir stated firmly, walking into the room. “Mrs. Fedorov no longer has any more secrets.”

Narrowing my eyes at the man, I grinned. “Is that true, Vladmir? Are you sure Maxim, my brothers and everyone else wants to know that I’ve started my period and the cramps are painful? How about how heavy my flow is and that just standing here is causing me to bleed through my tampon? Want to explain to them how I insert it? I’m sure Maxim would love to know that you watched me so you can explain it to him in great detail.”

The room groaned as Vladmir paled.

“I thought not,” I huffed, as I stormed back to my office, Happy laughing boisterously as he followed closely, closing the door on my two shadows who tried to enter.

“Damn girl,” the man chuckled, taking his seat again.

Sitting by myself, I fumed. “The nerve of those men. I can’t believe this shit.”

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