Page 80 of Illyria

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To run away from the life I was born into.

To just be the person I was born to be, not made to be.

But that would never happen.

I would never be free of the chains that bound me.

My life was not my own. It never was. Never would be.

I think somewhere deep down I knew that. I just hadn’t accepted it yet. Because when the truth came out and it would, the life I knew would be over and a new role would begin.

It was late when I walked into the penthouse to find Maxim sitting in the living room, waiting for me. I barely dropped my bag on the floor before he started in with the Spanish Inquisition.

“Who is Jacob Kyle?”

“The foreman of the crew finishing up the remodel. Why?”

“Get rid of him. He’s too friendly and I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

Sighing, I rolled my eyes as I headed for the kitchen. If this was how tonight was going to go, I needed some liquid fortitude. After pouring myself a glass of my favorite red wine, I ignored the brooding Russian and headed towards the spare room. There was absolutely no fucking way in hell I was sleeping in his room again.

I was fucking tired and my body still ached from his salacious ministrations last night. I wasn’t even going to mention the fact that I still hadn’t received any gratification, while he got his three times.

Fucker thought edging me would teach me a lesson, well let’s see how he handles a severe case of blue balls.

Walking into the room, I stopped in my tracks.

Everything was gone.

Even the bed.

What the hell?

Turning back to the living room, I asked. “What happened to the spare room?”

“Took your advice. I remodeled.”

“Where is my stuff?”

“Where it belongs. Next to mine in the master bedroom.”

“I am not sleeping in there. Not in the same bed you fucked that whore in.”

“You did last night.”

“I wasn’t given a choice!”

“And you don’t have one now,” he muttered, looking up from his computer. “What was with the cryptic conversation between you and Happy?”

“It was personal and none of your business.”

Maxim smirked. “Either you tell me or I call Montana and have him question Happy. Either way, I will find out.”

Staring at the man who clearly didn’t understand the meaning of boundaries, I sneered. “It was nothing. He just wanted some advice.”

Maxim sighed, reaching for his phone. The next thing I heard chilled me to the bones. “Yeah, it’s me. She’s refusing to say. You’re up.”

“You bastard. It was nothing!” I yelled, throwing my full wine glass across the room as it chattered into thousands of little pieces against the wall. The red wine stained the white wall as if blood dripped slowly down it. “I’m telling you the truth.”
