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“Frank, first, I’m so sorry. I didn’t lie, just kept a couple of things to myself. Believe me or not, but I planned to talk to you before we started to work this plan of yours. Brick is correct, I went to three banks that my father had accounts in. The amount is like a spit compared to his net worth. But I needed the money to—well—I needed it to take care of those who gave their entire lives to Dario De Luca. He never even took the time to arrange for these people in case of his death, which doesn’t surprise me at all.”

I take a deep breath just as Brick stands, walks to a mini fridge, grabs three waters, and hands each of us a bottle. Opening mine, I quickly drink a third of the bottle. Neither of them says a word, just keep watching me.

“So I didn’t think taking money out of the accounts would be a red flag since I left some in there, and because I had no idea anyone was even watching those accounts. These were some of the small accounts and I left one hundred thousand in each account but took the rest out. It was a different amount at each bank, but the total amount is close to three million dollars. Yeah, I know it sounds like a lot, but it doesn’t even scratch the amount I need.”

“What in the fuck do you need so much money for, Celee? And why did you keep it from me? Am I learning that not only are you playin’ me and my club, but you’re a fuckin liar to boot? Guess you saw a naïve, stupid son of a bitch to get you the help you needed, right? A dumbass guy who you could suck in with those blue eyes and bitchin’ body to help you with your family drama when you realized you couldn’t do it alone. Well, this idiot asshole has his eyes open now, so you do whatcha gotta do, and I’ll do what I have to, Celee. I’m sure Brick and the brothers will still be on board to help, but this is where I say sayonara. The club won’t mind I take a back seat on this one, as they all know I hate liars. Brick, thanks for the eye-opener, Prez. I’m outta here.”

Before I can say a single word or try to explain to him my mission further, Frank stands and walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I spin around, giving Brick stink eye and all he does is raise an eyebrow. What a big asshole and jerk.

“I know you don’t know me, Brick, but that was an asinine way to ask me why I took the money. Putting me on the spot like I did something wrong. If I was doing it for myself, would I be looking for help to save my own life? Did you even give it any thought before you just threw me under the bus? Thanks, dude, for ruining the one good thing in my life. President of what, being a jagoff maybe, because your human skills totally suck. I’m going to reach out to Shadow, see if I can go to Montana and maybe her club can help me figure this shit out. Before I go though, since you asked so nicely, Brick, yeah, I did almost empty three bank accounts of my father’s. But I didn’t use them to travel the world, buy a fancy sports car, or even buy designer clothes. I spent time trying to track down the people who have worked for my family for years. My father never cared about a single soul in his rotten life. He treated his staff like they were his slaves, and I hate that word, but he used it regularly around the staff.

“I’ve been able to find quite a few past employees. I used that blood money he was saving to help those people get some security in their lives. It will never take away how he treated them. And, Brick, he was one mean son of a bitch. He’d give housekeepers, cooks, and maids to his men or he’d keep one or two just for his perverted needs. My brothers followed in his footsteps too. I want to try and make the rest of their lives as good as I can, or at least better than what they had during their employment with the De Luca family business.”

I stand to leave, and before I can even make it to the door, Brick is in front of it blocking my way. I give a quick thought to kneeing him in the balls, but he must have read my mind because he literally crosses his legs and shifts to the side a bit. That earns him a smirk.

“Celestina, let’s talk a minute. Maybe I was wrong. Emmie tells me all the time I’m a rotten son of a bitch because I’m always judgin’ people harshly, and usually she’s right and I’m always wrong. She’s always saying I don’t think before I open my fuckin’ mouth. Case in point.”

He looks so sorry, almost like a dog that got caught doing something wrong. No, he can keep sniveling a bit more. After all, he didn’t talk to me or even ask any questions. He ran right over me, just like my father always did. That thought has me lifting my shoulders higher and looking him directly in the eyes.

“Yeah, Brick, your Emmie is right. She’s just pointed out the obvious, you’re a total asshole and prick.”

Before he can reply, his phone starts ringing. When he looks at it, his face goes gray, and his hand starts to shake, which has him dropping it. Quickly I bend down, pick it up, and swipe to answer.

“Hello, Brick’s phone.”

“Um, hi, is Brick around? OWWWWwww.”

“Yeah, hang on.”

As I go to hand him the phone, we hear the worst noise ever, a woman in agony. Then another voice.

“Emmie, give me the phone. Woman, give me that goddamn fucking phone before I have to take it from you. Brick, this is Esmeralda, you need to meet us at the hospital. Emmie’s water broke about twenty minutes ago, but she just told me three minutes ago when a really bad contraction hit. Hey, Brick, you there? Motherfucker, your ol’ lady is in labor, get your biker ass to the hospital. We’ll meet you there.”

Again I take the phone, placing it on the table next to me for a minute. Brick is standing there frozen. Great, the badass tough biker doesn’t know what to do. I open the door and scream for help. I hear boots hitting the floor like a herd of cattle coming down the hallway.

In front are Chains and Stitch. Good. When they all abruptly stop, seeing me in the doorway, Brick still frozen so I don’t hesitate.

“Emmie’s water broke. Someone named Esmeralda is going to get her to the hospital. He froze and hasn’t moved or spoke since she hung up. You guys need to get him to that hospital to be with his wife. Move your asses, she was in a lot of pain, never heard that before, kind of like she was in pure agony.”

I watch as Chains walks right up to Brick, leans back, and cracks him across the face, not once but twice. It brings him out of whatever, as he returns the swing with a fist, knocking Chains backward, right into me. Between his weight and the force of him falling backward, I have no time to do anything but put my arm out to steady myself, which is the worst thing I could have done. The noise hits my ears right before the pain in my wrist. I let out a small, short scream. Stitch, Karma, and Tiny are at my side immediately. Stitch looks at it then shakes his head.

“Celestina, damn it, sorry, but you’re gonna be going in too. Looks like that big fucker broke your wrist. Tiny, pick her up, get her to the van. Let’s move ass. Chains, you clumsy fucker, get Brick in the van, don’t want him on his bike. Let’s move, Grimm Wolves, we got three new members to welcome to our family. And we got to get this pretty lady fixed up.”

Before I know it, I’m in Tiny’s arms being carried out. When we get outside, I don’t see Frank’s bike anywhere.

“Don’t worry, Bullet was putting a callout to Dingo. He’ll meet you at the hospital. Whatever is going on, Celestina, I know my brother. Give him a chance. From the little I heard; Brick was being Brick. In his own way he was trying to protect not only Dingo but the club. We’ll get this straightened out and get you in a safe place in your life, promise. Oh, here comes Brick. He’s gonna be a total asshole so be prepared.”

Not even three minutes later Tiny drives off like a fuckin’ maniac, as Brick uses every swear word and some I haven’t heard. Finally, Chains cracks him upside the head. I just lean back and try not to cry from the pain. My life is so fucked up and it isn’t getting any better, no matter what I do. And now I’m going to have a cast or something on my wrist. Again, wrong place, wrong time; story of my life.

My head starts to ache and my stomach is queasy with the motion of the van. I pray it doesn’t get any worse, not sure I can take much more.


I’m sittingon one of the sectionals in the apartment, with a bottle of Jack in my hands. Right when I put it up to my lips, my phone goes off. Son of a bitch.

“Yeah, what the fuck you want, asshole?”

“Nice, Dingo. Get your loser ass to the hospital, pronto. Brick’s ol’ lady is in labor. Our prez kinda panicked, and when Chains tried to get him under control Brick punched him, which had him falling backward. He fell on Celestina, who put her arm out. Stitch thinks she broke her wrist.”
