Page 102 of Bloodstained Wings

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I’ve heard the whispers in Anita’s house, and I’ve seen the looks the other Blackthornes are giving him, but no one dares to utter a word. Still, I know there’s a storm coming, and as usual, we’re going to be right in the center when the worst of it hits.

For the umpteenth time since meeting Carter, I find myself praying that we emerge with as little damage as possible.

Because I have no idea how many more of these storms we can take.



“Orange looks good on you, Frances.” I link my fingers over the table and lean forward to stare at the former mayor. “Sporting a new look, huh?”

Frances scowls and stares at me through his good eye, the right one swollen and drooping. “Cut the bullshit, Blackthorne. I know you had something to do with this.”

I unlink my fingers and lean back against the metal chair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Frances is skinnier than when I last saw him, and I already know that his jumpsuit is hiding a wide array of bruises, many of them freshly inflicted.

And all it took was a few phone calls to the right people.

I’m not the forgiving type, and Frances knew that before going into business with me. Now that he’s made his bed, he has to lie in, and I will gladly shove him into it if he hesitates.

“What are you even doing here? I didn’t take you for the type to gloat.” Frances gives me a look that’s meant to intimidate, but all it does is highlight how pathetic he is. Underneath the dim florescent lightning, in the middle of a prison with similarly dressed inmates, he’s a far cry from the once-powerful man running the city.

I can’t believe I ever thought it was a good idea to back him up. Weaselly little shit.

Still, the fact that Frances has somehow survived, with a few lives to boot, could be used to my advantage. Which is why, against my family’s advice, I had Ernest drive me out here and wait by the door.

Being inside Sing Sing prison isn’t as unnerving as I thought it would be. Not when I know the police can’t do anything to me… yet.

But with the clock ticking on our war with the Philipses and the Natoris and Lilian still pestering me with the impending release of her article, I know I’m playing with fire.

“I have a way for you to make things up to me,” I tell Frances before slowly sitting up straighter and giving him a bored look. “You’re not as stupid as people think you are, so I know you’re not going to turn me down. Not without hearing what I have to say.”

Frances pulls his mouth back to reveal a row of teeth. “I’m not making any more deals with you, Blackthorne. You’re fucking poison.”

“Oh, I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say before you throw it in my face.”

“How well is that bitch blowing you anyway? Does she still have you by the balls?”

I’m across the table, with my hands around his neck, before the words finish leaving his mouth. Frances sputters and glances at the guards, who take one step in my direction. With one look between my face and Ernesto’s, they back off and return to their duties.

As if nothing out of the ordinary is transpiring.

“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous today,” I hiss before giving him another firm shake. “Otherwise, these guards would be cleaning your remains off the floor.”

Frances wheezes, and his face turns red.

I squeeze him for a while longer, taking a grim sense of satisfaction from the colors playing out over his face. It isn’t long before I smell the sweat and the fear lingering in the air. Abruptly, I release Frances and drape an arm over the back of my chair. Frances’ hands move to his neck and the finger-shaped bruise already forming there.

His fellow inmates are going to have a field day with him tonight. I only wish I could be there to see it myself.

Frances clears his throat several times, and when he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “I see your negotiating skills haven’t improved.”

“I see you’re still a conniving two-timing piece of shit, but who’s keeping score.”

Frances rubs his neck, annoyance flickering across his face. “What do you want?”

“I want Lilian McCoy’s head on a platter, and before you think of playing dumb and denying that you even know her, I’ve got pictures of the two of you screwing.”
