Page 13 of Vicious

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“We’ll have to throw you a party.” Ginger reached over and patted my arm. “You’re one of us now.”

Wait, what?

I looked up from my scribbles, meeting her soft brown eyes. “One of you?”

“Well, looks like Viper has laid his claim.” Ginger’s brow furrowed at me—like I should know that or something.

I bit my lip. “I don’t know about that. He made it fairly clear...”

Or did he?

My head swirled, the advice from Vinny coming back to mind. I should’ve listened to him—yet again.

“Oh, he laid his claim on you. It might be a one night thing for him, but I wouldn’t go, you know, sleeping with anyone else right now.”

My heart dropped—what had I gotten myself into? “I’m not like someone’s property.” My voice was growing with concern.

“Well, no, but you’re not far from it, honey.” Ginger laughed. “Though Viper is a heartbreaker—I warned you of that. His heart is in the club, and he doesn’t make room for anyone. Not even someone as pretty and smart as you.”

Well, this is confusing as fuck.

“I probably should get back to my hotel room and work on this,” I gestured to the notepad. “Here’s my card if you need anything from me or think of something you’d like included in the article.” I dug one out and sat it on the bar for them.

“We’ll see ya soon,” Sarah said warmly, her tone having a hint of amusement in it.

“See ya,” I called over my shoulder, desperate to get the hell out of the building. I could hear them chatting with each other as I burst through the doors, desperate for air as I headed for the Tahoe.

Somehow, I’ve managed to be claimed—but not really, because he’s not into women hanging around.

Turns out Viper might not be so different from my ex.


Not that I wanted anything more with him.

My shoes crunched across the gravel lot as I made my way to the Tahoe, noticing a couple of guys working on bikes in a shop set off to the side of the clubhouse. One of them was the blonde prospect—what was his name?


He and a second guy, a heavyset older man with a long white beard, both waved at me. I forced myself to wave back before climbing into the front seat of the Tahoe. I took a few deep breaths as I started the engine, hoping that would be enough to calm my racing heart.

It wasn’t.

I sat my purse and notepad in the passenger seat before pulling out my phone and plugging it into the charger. It was nearly dead, and that was the last thing I needed at the moment. I was surrounded by a bunch of reckless outlaw bikers...

I needed a full battery.

As soon as I sat it down, the screen lit up, Vinny’s name scrolling across the screen.


Hesitating, I considered not answering, but it was nearly eleven, and he knew that I would be up—that’s why he was calling. Picking it up, I answered it, backing out of my spot and pulling out of the open gate.

“Hey,” I choked out, trying to keep my cool.

“What thehellare you doing?” he boomed on the other end of the line.

Oh shit.
