Page 12 of Vicious

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There was no way that I would be letting Vinny know what happened, though. It was just a one-time thing with Viper—and I was certain they did that all the time. It didn’t have to mean anything. I opened the door to his bedroom and took a deep breath, stepping into the hallway. It was much quieter than it had been only hours before...

Everyone is probably hungover.

I moved stealthily down the hallway, hoping to make it out without anyone realizing that I had spent the night.

“Well, good morning, Sunshine,” Ginger’s voice greeted me as soon as I stepped out into the lounge. “I didnotexpect you to have an overnight stay.”


“Yeah, I just... I drank a little too much.”

She burst into laughter. “And then decided to crash in Viper’s room for the night?”

“Viper’sroom?” Sarah, the bartender’s, eyes widened. “Nowthatis more surprising than the preppy writer spending the night.”

I felt my cheeks grow red. “I don’t know—he was just showing me the photo albums he has of the club’s history, and I fell asleep looking at them.”

“Uh huh,” Sarah giggled. “I saw the way he was looking at you, honey. I could tell he was into you. I just didn’t realize that he wasthatinto you.”

“Yeah, it was just a one-time thing,” I dismissed it, though the look they exchanged made my stomach flip. “What?”

“Nothing.” Ginger shrugged. “Why don’t you have a seat and let me make you an orange juice to cure the hangover.”

I’m not hungover...

“Sure, thanks.” I smiled, sliding onto a bar stool. “So, do you stay here all the time?”

“Uh, kind of,” Sarah answered before Ginger could, leaning against the bar. “I’m actually married to Throttle—you might have missed him last night. I usually keep up with the cleaning of this place. We have a house just outside of town, though. I don’t live here. I come in a couple of times a week. We’re trying for a baby, too, and once that happens, I’ll step back.”

I nodded, surprised by the initiative to have a family. “Do you feel like the club gets in the way of family life? I’ve seen a lot of documentaries, and how things are portrayed really puts a damper on how women are treated in outlaw clubs.”

Ginger rolled her eyes. “Not this one. We’ve never been treated anything other than respectfully. Now, if you go slutting around to all the members, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be seen as more than just that—but the rest of us are treated like royalty.”

Sarah nodded. “I agree. It’s different in the Silent Kings MC. I’ve heard some horror stories, but not here.”

“Do you mind if I write this down?” I asked, digging for my notepad and pen.

“Go ahead, just don’t name us.” Ginger smiled. “I don’t need to get any more famous than I already am.”

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows.

“She’s just messing with you,” Sarah laughed. “But don’t name anyone, just for the sake of privacy—or maybe do that thing where you change the names?”

“Yeah, I can do that.” I clicked my pen and began to jot down a few notes.

“And before you publish that article, you’re going to have to let the guys read it and approve. That’s the only way this whole situation is going to work out—and I’m sure Vinny knows that.”

I inwardly cringed, now knowing I would have to beverycareful about what I wrote. “So whereiseveryone? This place is empty.”

“Yeah, something happened in the middle of the night.” Ginger shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. “It’s just club business, I’m sure. I’m surprised you weren’t woken up by the motorcycles.”

I frowned. “I didn’t hear anything.”

“Either that drink knocked you out, or you were exhausted,” Sarah erupted in laughter. “I’ll have to remember to lighten up on the tequila next time.”

Next time.

“Yeah, maybe,” I said quietly, doodling on the notepad, my mind flashing back to Viper’s rock hard body above mine. “I don’t know, though. I need to try and wrap this up. I’m supposed to be getting promoted to editor once this is finished.”
