Page 2 of Vicious

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“Vinny Lewis, huh? He’s an old associate of the Steel Heretics,” he chuckled, his deep voice taking a strange eerie tone. “You’re talking to the wrong man, right now.”

Oh shit.

The red flag in my mind morphed into memory—a memory that recalled the Silent Kings being the Steel Heretics' number one rival. Iwastalking to the wrong man.

“I should probably just find Rosie.” I went to leave him, turning toward the bar. However, that wasn’t obviously okay with Nitro.

A hard, heavy hand clamped down on my wrist. “You don’t just walk away from a VP when he’s fucking talking to you,” he sneered, his voice souring with every word. “That’s not how it works—and your boss should’ve known better than to send you into the lions’ den.”

No, I just should’ve found Rosie.

“I figured this conversation was over,” I choked out, the pain radiating from his stealthy grip on my arm. “And please let go of my arm.”

“Don’t you just sound like a doll,” he chuckled, releasing my wrist. “I don’t know if you’re telling the truth, but if you are, your boss is an idiot for sending fresh meat like you in here.”

Hardly fresh meat here, bro, but okay.

“Thanks for the warning. I really just planned to have a chat with a couple guys and then be done with this,” I said, my voice growing stern. It was the truth, too. I fully intended to stay in the neutral zone of the Watering Hole for a couple hours and then gather the rest of my information from the internet and documentaries...

Especially afterthisencounter.

“Why don’t you just chat with me about it?” Nitro wasn’t letting up, and the lingering pain in my wrist made me second guess forcefully leaving—as far as anyone else was concerned, I was just a random blonde stranger who wandered into the bar.

“Sure.” I dug out my notepad from my bag. “We can talk.”

“Nah, you put that shit back in your bag. I’ll talk, but there’s no way in hell that you’re gonna sit and take notes like a damn cop. You make your notes in your brain.”

“Right,” I said with a sigh, putting it back—but not before glancing around, hoping that Rosie would come out of the woodwork. “What do you want the public to know about your culture?”

“That we’re a fun fucking time.” Nitro burst into laughter, chugging his beer and tossing it into a trash can a few feet away. “And I canshowyou a fun time while giving you plenty to put in that newspaper of yours.”

“Uh...” my voice trailed off as I glanced around again. My eyes locked with a guy across the room, watching usveryclosely. His green eyes were faded, much like the black vest he wore, and he looked to be around my dad’s age, though having experienced alotmore life.

Andtherewas Rosie, right beside him, her dark red hair falling past her shoulders.

“You’re a real piece of work for a reporter.” Nitro’s condescending tone threw me off, though I now saw my exit—no matterwhatthe VP of Silent Kings MC thought.

“Thank you. I see Rosie, so I’m going to head over there. Thank you for your time.” I saw the rejection and anger in his face, but I turned away anyway, preparing torunif I had to. Nitro screamed bad juju.

But then I saw Rosie’s eyes go wide as I walked away from Nitro.

“Where thefuckdo you think you’re going!” Nitro’s booming voice made me visibly cringe as he fired off behind me.

Oh, shit.

Every single person at the bar turned to look at me, the place going silent. My blood ran cold at the hardened stares.

This wasnothow I had intended the night to go.

“She’s with us,” the green-eyed dad biker said, sliding off his stool. “Vinny sent her here. Ain’t no sense in you getting your panties in a wad, Nitro. Just let her be.”

“She isn’tyours,” Nitro shot back. “She’s a damn reporter, Bear.”

The faces of the onlookers only seemed to grow more irritated at the news, and I forced myself to hold my head high, though inwardly, I was running away—far,faraway.

“She’s not a reporter,” Bear snorted, rolling his eyes. “She’s just a helpless writer, and you’re making yourself look like a fool for making such a big deal that she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

“Easy,” Rosie warned, her low voice barely audible amidst the tension growing in the room. The men sitting were sliding to the edges of their seats, and those standing took a step forward...
