Page 3 of Vicious

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I might die tonight.

Or get a killer story.

“I think she needs to go,” Nitro growled from behind me, his voice suddenly much closer than it had been.

I spun around, preparing for the threat, and sure enough, Nitro reached for my arm again. However, before I even had the chance to think about it any further, a fist went flying inches from my face, connecting with Nitro’s jaw.

Oh shit.

Freezing at the sight, I barely felt the tug at the back of my shirt, pulling me back from the brawl unfolding in front of me. My eyes were wide as Bear pummeled Nitro, the two of them crashing into a tall table, sending it—and all the drinks on the top--crashing to the floor.

“You made a fucking mess,” Rosie snapped beside me. “You should’ve listened to Vinny and came straight to me.”

I whipped my head around. “He wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“Right, because I didn’t see you stand there and entertain the guy for a few moments,” she snorted, her creamy skin glistening under the neon lights. She was very pretty woman, and I couldn’t help but wonder just what kind of friend she was to Vinny. “If you give these guys an inch, they’re bound to take a couple of miles, especiallythatguy.”

“Good to know,” I said with a sigh, though I startled backwards as more guys joined the fight—including the bouncer.

“Someone called it in,” an older blonde-headed woman trotted up to us, her face like leather. “Cops are pulling up.”

“Fuck!” Rosie threw her arms up, letting out a frustrated groan.

“You’re in trouble, young lady,” the other woman turned to me, giving me a similar look to what my mom used to. “They’re gonna wanna talk to you.”

My stomach knotted up. “Who?”

Rosie and the woman exchanged a look—one that left me feeling like I might just throw up.

“Vinny threw you right to the wolves,” Rosie muttered just as cops came bursting through the door, heading right for the ruckus. “He issuchan idiot sometimes.”

“Yeah, I think that’s an understatement at this point. There’s no way they aren’t gonna haul off a few of our boys—I’m Ginger, by the way,” she said to me, giving me an amused smile. “I’d say I’d put in a good word for you, but...”

“She’s gonna have to work this one out on her own.” Rosie patted my shoulder. “They’re gonna have fun with you. Just remember they’re all bark, no bite. They got a lot of respect for Vinny.”

“That’s about all you have going for you,” Ginger chuckled as I saw the cops cuff a couple of guys with Steel Heretics written on the back of their vests.

One of the men whowasn’tin cuffs walked up to us, his face stone cold. “You’re gonna be coming with me.”

I nodded, swallowing hard as the two women urged me forward.

What have a gotten myself into?

Chapter 2


“I just think that the altercation at Boozer’s Place impacted the way the community sees us,” I explained, sitting across from Tippy. “We’ve always been intimidating, but no one has seen us as a threat to the public’s well-being. If anything, we keep the bad out of town—we don’t want the same image that the Silent Kings have.”

Tippy, our president, ran his fingers through his charcoal beard. “I don’t know, man. I think you’re worried way too much about something that doesn’t matter. The public is none of our concern. We aren’t politicians.”

“I never said that wewerepoliticians,” I snorted, rolling my eyes. “But Idoknow that ever since that happened, we’ve had a lot more complaints filed, and a lot more of us have been arrested for stupid shit. Sargent can’t deflect every call that comes in about us, or it’ll be obvious he’s on the payroll.”

“Yeah, like that’s not obvious, anyway,” Tippy laughed, taking a hit off his cigarette. “I don’t know why you’re suddenly the man of peace, Viper, but it’s gonna get real fucking annoying. You’re my secondhand man, my VP, and I need you to worry more about the club and less about what everyone else thinks.”

I swallowed the irritation, biting back the need to jab back. “Ah, yeah. I just think it’d be easy to conduct our business without all the eyes on us. That’s all I’m really getting at.” That wasmostlythe truth, but there was still a part of me that wasn’t cool with the town of Sans Verta all looking at us like we were a load of criminals.

Don’t get me wrong, I know we’d intimated people with the club's very existence—but that was different than people being downrightterrifiedof us.
