Page 34 of Vicious

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“Talk about writer’s block,” I mumbled to myself, shaking my head as I shut my laptop. “So much for getting done.” I pulled out the notepad that I had, scanning through the notes I had made. There were quite a few—but nothing that triggered any ideas.

I stopped as I made it to the interview with Louise, and I pursed my lips, seeing her business card tucked away. She had said that she was willing to talk more about it all.

Maybe I should ask her for a second interview?

I might be able to get more information on Viper...

A light knock on the door interrupted my thoughts right then, and I sat the notebook down on the bed beside my bare legs. I had showered, changing into something more comfortable, expecting to spend the evening alone.

But I was wrong.

My bare feet moved quietly across the hotel room as a second, much louder, knock resounded in the hotel room. It caused me to pause, and my heart stuttered as I realized who it likely was.


I smoothed my hair as I reached for the door handle, but something in my gut made me hesitate. Leaning forward, I squinted through the peephole, and instantly caught my breath.

That isnotViper.

I couldn’t make outwhoit was, a black hoodie hiding the face of the man standing on the other side of my door. He was tall and broad, but there was nothing that stood out about him. I couldn’t see any of his skin, gloves even covering his hands. I felt frozen as I stood there, staring at the stranger.

Am I being robbed?

He lifted a fist, his knock turning to more of a banging.

I jumped sideways, my shoulder jamming into the wall as my eyes caught the sight of chain lock—which wasn’t hooked. Swallowing hard, I crept forward, holding my breath as I placed it into the locked position, sliding it silently.

He can’t get it in.

Not easily, anyway.

“Open the door!” a muffled man’s voice called out suddenly as I backed away. “I know you’re in there, Hannah—just open the door. I just wanna talk.”

My head spun, trying to come up withwhosevoice that was. It sounded familiar, but the door between us made it unrecognizable to my ears. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to conjure upwhatI was supposed to be doing.

Call the police?

Call Vinny?

I shook my head. Neither sounded like the right thing to do right then—though I don’t know why calling the police seemed to be the wrong answer. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I contemplated, the banging continuing. I eyed my cell phone sitting on the bed, and I leaned toward it, scooping it up into my hands.

I’ll just call the police.

“I’ll get in there one way or another,” the voice warned, making my skin crawl as I opened the screen, my mind imaging the man on the other side. Whoever it was, didn’t have a vest on—and the Steel Hereticsalwayshad their vests on. Why would they take it off? The handle began to jiggle, and my heart dropped at the motion, my eyes going to the chain lock.

Surely that’ll hold?

“I’m going to call the police,” I finally shouted at the door, though I wasn’t sure what good that’d do me. The lever stilled, but the sound of laughter made my stomach sick.

I have to do somethingnow.

My gaze shifted to the white phone on the nightstand beside the bed, and I lunged for it, grabbing it up and hitting the front desk button.

“How can we help?”

“There’s someone outside of my hotel room, banging on the door and trying to get in. I need securitynow.” My voice sounded panicked, and the woman on the phone started shouting something across the lobby.

She came back on the phone. “Sending someone right now. Are you okay?”
