Page 35 of Vicious

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“I-I think so.” I dropped to the floor between the bed and the wall, my heart pounding in my ears as I waited, expecting the guy to continue to bang on the door.

But it was silent.

Until I heard the shouting coming from the hallway.

I dropped the phone, racing to the peephole and peering out into the hallway as security continued to yell at someone.

What the hell?

My hands quickly undid the lock, and I flung the door open, my eyes landing on the sight of Gunner being tackled by two hotel security guards. “Gunner?”

“What thefuck,Hannah!” he shouted back up at me as they took him all the way to the floor, his face smashed against the putrid red carpets. “Why did you call security on me?”

“You’ll be charged with—”

“Wait!” I cut off the security guard as they hauled him to his feet. “That’s not him—that’s not the man who was outside of my hotel room.” My eyes locked in on the vest he was wearing over his white t-shirt. “That’s not him. He didn’t do anything.”

“What?” one of the guards furrowed his brows at me. “This is the only guy who was outside of your room, ma’am.”

My head was spinning as I took a step out into the hallway, peering down the hallway in both directions. “The man who was here was wearing a black hoodie. I couldn’t see his face.”

Gunner looked at me with wide eyes. “What?”

“So this is yourfriend?” the guard was not buying it.

“Uh...” my voice trailed off, and the guard rolled his eyes, the two of them suddenly hauling him toward the exit. “No... Wait! He’s fine. Just let him go.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, just let him go. He’s my friend, I guess.”

And I don’t want to be left alone up here.

“All right.” They let him go, but not without a slight shove. “Have a nice day, miss.”

“Uh, are you not going to do anything about the man whowasbeating on my door?” I raced after them, ignoring Gunner entirely.

“Only man we see is the one you said was your friend,” the guard snapped at me, not even looking over at me. “Have a nice day.”

“That’s not—”

“I said,have a nice day.”

My shoulders slumped as they headed back to the elevators, leaving me stranded with Gunner.

What the hell?

“You care to tell me why you had me fuckingtackledin the hallway?” Gunner snapped as I spun around and headed back for the hotel room. “That was uncalled for. I haven’t done shit to you.”

“Shut up,” I snapped at him, reopening my hotel room.

He caught the door as he followed me. “What happened? What were you talking about with some guy in a hoodie?”

I spun around, opening my mouth to say something, but then freezing. “What is on your shirt?” My eyes dropped to the dark crimson stain trailing around from the back of his shirt to the front. If it was blood...

It looked like alotof it.

“Pack your shit.”
