Page 61 of Vicious

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I shook my head at him. “Our bond is stronger than blood.”

“Right,” he didn’t sound convinced in the slightest. “I just don’t know, man. I think she’s right.”

“If that’s the case, then why the hell did you get patched in? It sounds like you might not be the best choice of a brother.”

“Oh, come on, Viper,” Gunner shot back at me, his tone full of frustration. “It’s not like I don’t love this fucking club. You know I do, more than half the guys in it already. I would give my life for you.”

There was something in his tone that made me pause, though I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Where are you going?”

“I told you.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I have to run some errands. I already told you that.”

“You sneaking off with Hannah?”

“What?” His eyes went wide, his tone full of shock. “Hell no! You know that I wouldneveroverstep boundaries, bro. Like, she’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but she isnotmy type. She never will be. I think we’ll be good friends, though. She’s like the sister I never had—”

I cut him off with laughter. “That isnotwhat I was meaning, man. I don’t think you’re sleeping with her.”

“Oh.” His face filled with relief. “I really thought you were going to be punching me out, man. I’m glad that’s not the case—”

“Where is she sending you?” I followed him down the porch steps, heading toward his bike parked a few feet from the steps. “Dude, I don’t know what’s going on, but you have to be careful. I don’t know where any of this is coming from, and I’m worried it might be an outside source...”

Like Charlie.

Not that it made a lot of sense for the guy to have a hit on me. I mean, missing the drop was a problem, but he hadn’t reached back out to me at all when I had sent word to him about it.

“Viper,” Gunner placed his hands on my shoulders. “I’m not running errands or doing anything for Hannah this morning. This is my own shit, okay?”

I wasn’t sure if I believed him. “So then, where are you going?”

“I’m not a prospect anymore, so I don’t have to tell you.” He had an amused gleam in his eye that was taunting, but...

He was right.

He could do whatever the hell he wanted to, now that he was patched in.

“I really wish you’d just tell me...” my voice trailed off as he shook his head at me, swinging a leg over his Harley Davidson Road Glide. It was a glossy black—a littletooglossy for me. I preferred my motorcycles a little rough around the edges.

“Dude, it’s way too much fun watching you sweat like this. You really think that Hannah has me whipped in the same way that she’s got you, but that just isn’t the truth. Like I said, she’s pretty fucking cool, but that’s where it ends for me.” He chuckled, grabbing his helmet off from where it was hung on the handlebars.

I grabbed his handlebars—and his attention as I leaned forward. My face was inches from his. “So you really think it’s true?”

Gunner’s gaze bounced back and forth between my eyes as he pursed his lips. “I think what Hannah heard was confirmation of what I was already thinking, bro.”

Wait, what?

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded, but my voice was drowned out by his bike’s engine. He adjusted his glasses and nodded to me, backing out from where he had been parked. I let go of the bars, blinking a couple of times as I watched him pull out and take off out of the clubhouse parking lot...

And leaving me there to ponder what the hell he was getting at.

He was already thinking that someone wanted me offed?

My head felt wrecked, trying to make sense ofhowhe, a prospect at the time, would’ve even come to that conclusion. My hand flew to the sore spot on my shoulder... Was it because I was shot and he wasn’t?

Shaking my head, I spun around, heading back to the clubhouse. I needed to talk to someone about what Hannah was suggesting, but I hadnoidea who the hell I could trust—outside of Gunner, of course. All the guys felt like my brothers. I mean, yeah, some of them were less compatible than others, but those were the least likely to be the ones behind it, right?

“Hey, Viper!” Will called out to me, grabbing my attention as I stopped halfway up the porch steps.

“What’s up?” I asked, clearing my throat.
