Page 71 of Vicious

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“Yeah, that’s true.” He took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. “I can’t fucking believe what’s happening.”

“We’ll figure this out,” I reassured him, taking a seat beside him on the bed. “I don’t think anyone is going to have to die.” He looked over at me, his face contorting in a way that made my heart sink. “What?”

“He wasn’t meaning thatIwas going to die, Hannah.” His voice was soft and low. “He meant that whoever betrayed the club by ordering the hit will die—and anyone else who helped them carry it out. It’s how it works.”

My eyes went wide. “Oh, well... Okay.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s not the reaction I was expecting.”

“I’m kind of over the shock of the things that happen in this world,” I laughed, though there wasn’t much humor to it. “I just want to figure it all out so that we can move forward.”

“And what does that mean for us?” he suddenly asked, his voice losing some confidence. “Because we both know that you’re here because of this. Once it’s over and we know that you’re safe, there’s no reason for you to stay. Your life isn’t here, Hannah.”

A lump formed in my throat. I hadn’t even let my mind go there. I mean, yeah, I knew that my life wasn’t here...

But I hadn’t come up with a solution to that problem yet.

I hadn’t expected to come here and a fling turn

“I’ll get you on a flight out of here as soon as I can,” Viper’s words were quiet but stern. “I think if we sent you out now, there would still potentially be a target on your back. There’re people all over. You can’t outrun this kind of shit.”

I nodded just as the sound of Viper’s phone vibrating against the wood of the nightstand filled the room. He reached over and picked it up.


“What?” My stomach tightened at the urgency in his voice as he stared at his phone. “What is it?”

“Remember that party I told you about?”

“The one next week?”

“Yeah, they moved it to tonight.”

Chapter 26


I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Hannah to finish getting ready. There was no way going to the party without Vinny—or some kind of backup—was a good idea. He was still a good hour out from being here, and that left me with onlyoneguy to trust...


“And where the hell is he?” I wondered aloud, brushing my fingers along my jawline. The stubble was just enough to prick my skin, but not enough to warrant a shave. Besides...

I think Hannah liked it that way.

I just have to keep her safe.

My gut was screaming at me, but it was an incoherent scream. I hadnoidea why I had such a bad feeling, but I knew that it was more than just the hit—something bad was on the horizon.

I just knew it.

“What do you think?” The sound of Hannah’s voice from behind me caught my attention, and I whipped my head around to take her in.

Holy fuck.

My mouth went dry as I took in her hourglass figure in the tight black dress, her long tan, shapely legs trailing for what seemed like miles. Her breasts peeked out just enough to catch my interest, but knowing just how fucking deliciously perky they were, made my cock spring to life.

“Well?” She furrowed her brow.
