Page 80 of Vicious

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“She’s heavy, give me hand,” the guy snapped, jerking me violently backwards another few feet. A sharp, tearing pain shot through my knee as I scraped by a cactus.

And I couldn’t hold back the cry.

“What thefuck!” Tippy’s friend dropped me with a thud. “Why is she not dead?”

“All I did was drug her, man,” Tippy snapped, before peering down at me, my eyes now wide open.

There was no point in trying to hide it now.

“Morning, princess,” he snarled down at me, his eyes appearing as dark as the night around us. “How nice of you to join us.”

“He’s going to find you.” My words were slurred, and I realized at that momentjusthow fucked up I really was.

“Mm, right.” Tippy burst into a fit of laughter, shaking his head. “You should’ve just stayed asleep—would’ve been much easier for you to just never wake up.”

My eyes jumped to the glistening barrel of a gun in his hand, barely visible at Tippy’s side. However, before the fear even had a chance to creep in...

I heard the sound of motorcycles in the distance.

Chapter 30


Just get there.

Just fucking get there.

I ripped through the desert night, pushing my bike to its limits as sand flew from behind the back tire. I was probably covering Gunner in it, but it was whatever. He would just have to deal with it. That being said though, I don’t know how I would’ve been able to track them down without Gunner’s snooping tactics.

The ingenious dumbass had put a tracker in Hannah’s purse back when he had been babysitting her—just in case she tried to bail.

We thundered down the desolate desert roads for I don’t know how long, as I followed some little dot on my phone screen mounted to my dash. The sore spot on my shoulder was aching with all the bumps, but I kept the throttle wide open.

And then I saw the van lights.

My heart sunk deep in my chest as the headlights of Gunner and I’s bikes lit up the deserted area. It didn’t take long for my eyes to spot the silhouette of two men...

Dragging someone across the ground.

It doesn't mean anything.

But my stomach felt sick at the sight regardless. I skid to a stop not far from them, leaving my bike running and pulling out my pistol tucked in my waistband. Cactus spines cut through my jeans, but it didn’t stop me as I headed right for the three shadows.

“What thefuckdo you think you’re doing?” my voice boomed in the silent warmth of the night. I heard an incoherent squeal coming from Hannah as they lifted her right to her feet, positioning her in front of them.

“You really gonna shoot your girl?” Tippy sneered, steadying her swaying body in front of me. The closer I got, the more I recognized her inability to stand on her own.

What did they do? Drug her?

“Fuck you, Tip.” Anger burned in my chest—and it was stronger than any fear that I felt right then. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn’t turn, knowing that it was Gunner.

“Why are you doing this, man?” Gunner’s voice called out from just behind me. “I thought this was a brotherhood.” The confusion and pain in his voice was startling to me, and I felt for him, knowing thatthiswasnotwhat he signed up for.

“It figures that you would bring your no-good prospect buddy with you,” Tip laughed sardonically, tilting his head a little as his eyes darted between the two of us. Hannah remained quiet. Her blue eyes were laced with a fear that was unsettling—even for me.

“But to answer your question, kid,” Tippy continued, his gun pointed to Hannah’s side. “I’ve been there for Viper since he was all fucked up over the death of his brother and dad—and you know what? Hestillthought he should be the club president and not me. He couldn’t even get himself put together enough to come to club meetings formonths,and yet somehow in that thick ass skull of his, he still thought that he was the one who needed to be in charge.”

“Right,” I snapped, shaking my head. “Ineverwent up against you when it came to our titles. You know that. The other members were the ones who were trying to vote me in for president.” I gritted my teeth as Hannah winced in pain, the barrel of the gun digging deeper into her side. My eyes flickered to the second guy standing just behind her, his eyes focused on Gunner, who I knew had his gun drawn on him.
