Page 19 of Savage

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I pushed the thought away, knowing it was best not to dive into the rage I still had hidden deep inside my chest. I was the happy-go-lucky guy, the one that made the jokes and never took anything seriously…

But it was just a façade for the shitstorm inside—the one that Hallie only intensified.

My jaw tensed, knowing that if I pursued things with her, I wouldhaveto tell her what happened to me all those years ago—and why I did what I did. I ran my fingers through my hair, working out the tangles that Hallie’s fists had left. My cock stood at attention at the thought, and I wished I’d had enough time to fuck her ten times over again.

Movement in the warm orange glow of the window caught my attention, and I squinted to see Francis walking to the glass. Instinctually, I leaned away out of view, but I knew it was unnecessary. These windows were an illegal shade of black tint. He couldn’t make me out, and honestly, there were enough vehicles on the street, so he probably didn’t even think twice about my truck being parked.

But he’s a cop.

I took a deep breath, knowing that we weren’t dealing with a shitty one, either. Francis was a decorated officer with extensive time served in the military. He wasn’t one to fuck with…

And this isn’t even our problem.

Well, not really, anyway. Wedidmassacre the entire Silent King motorcycle chapter over Will’s girl, Linley. However, the consequences of the officer finding that piece of shit chapter’s drug stash wasnoton us.

Fuck the Silent Kings.

I was glad they were gone. They had done nothing but cause a bunch of problems, nearly fucking up the agreement we had with the overlord of the underworld, aka Charlie Hughes. I shuddered at the thought of him.


No matter what Viper thought of the guy, I knew there was something fucked up in his head. He was like Hollywood meets biker club meets… the circus. I laughed out loud at my thoughts, only to be startled by a sharp tap on the truck’s passenger window.

What the fuck!

I jumped sideways, squinting through the dark glass. “You’ve got to be fuckingkiddingme,” I grumbled as I rolled the window down. “What’re you doing here, asshole?”

Robbie Johnston’s eyes bore into mine. “More like what the fuck areyoudoing here?”

I tilted my head, unsure what angle he was taking on this. “No one can stop me from parking right here.”

“You’re not concealed at all.”

“I don’t think your cop buddy in there is going to notice.”

“Really? So that’s why he called in an unfamiliar black truck parked just down his street? Makes no fuckin’ sense to me.”

I wasn’t sure if I actually believed him or not, considering all the lights in the house were dark now. “Must not be too worried.” I gestured to the dark house.

“That’s because I’m here,” he snapped, sounding nearly as stupid as he looked. “I get that my pops thinks your little club is the way to go with handling business, but I think you’re just a bunch of weak assholes trying to compensate for the balls you ain’t got.”

“Wow, good one,” I grunted, rolling my eyes. My phone buzzed on the console, and ignoring the look on Robbie’s face, I picked it up, seeing the text from Viper that they were finished.

Perfect timing.

I reached for the ignition, where the keys were still hanging. “I’ll see ya later, Robbie.”

“I’m not done with this conversation.” His hand reached through the window and stopped me. “We need to chat.”

My brows furrowed with mostly curiosity. “What do you want to talk about?” I made my annoyance clear, dropping my hand from the keys. “I don’t have all fucking night to have some kind of heart-to-heart conversation with you. If you want to discuss your daddy issues, maybe you should see a therapist.”

“Fuck you, asshole,” he spat back at me. “I can handle my own shit, thanks.”

“Right,” I snorted, holding back a smile.

“I wanted you to kill him,” Robbie said in a low voice.

“Who? Your dad? Because that’s not fucking happening, dude.”
