Page 35 of Ruthless

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The thought always crossed my mind, and then I never had a good reason to do so. Not to mention, Ireallyneeded to shave, but for obvious reasons, I wasn’t given a razor. It was frustrating, and I was starting to feel like a cavewoman…but whatever. It’s not like anything was shifting between Ghost Eyes and me anymore. If anything, it was going the other way.

I glanced over at the bathroom door, trying to decide if I should or if I should wait until someone came down and told me that it was time for me to die. However, I never came to a conclusion before I heard shuffling…

And noise.

Lots of fucking noise.

“What the hell?” I mumbled, standing to my feet and wandering to the center of the room. I shut my eyes, tuning my ear into the ruckus happening about me, a deep male voice shouting profanities… My heart raced in my chest as the basement door was flung open, slamming into the wall.

“You motherfuckers willpayfor this!”

I froze.Oh hell, no.I shuffled backward, preparing for the face I knew was about to come around the corner of the stairwell. My entire body tensed, my heart thrumming in my chest so heavily it felt as though it was rattling my rib cage.

And sure enough, just a few seconds later, my eyes landed on my ex-boyfriend.

“So, who’s this?” Ghost Eyes growled as he shoved Tyson down into the same chair I had been tied to. Tyson’s face was bloodied, and it dripped onto his shirt as Ghost Eyes and his friend—who now wasnotwearing a mask either—were tying him to the chair.

“Rachel,” Ghost Eyes turned to me, his eyes so dark I barely recognized them. “Who. Is. This.”

I blinked, swallowing hard as Tyson looked over at me, his eyes raking over my figure. “That’s… Um…”

“Ty Stetson.” My ex-boyfriend rolled his eyes. “And you better believe that I have friends in high places that will be coming to fucking get me.”

“You’re an idiot,Ty Stetson,” Ghost Eyes laughed, just before landing a punch right into the side of his skull. His body slumped and I let out a gasp, my hands flying to my mouth. My back hit the cold, hard concrete wall, and as the second man stood to his feet, I recognized his green eyes.

“Why is he here?” the green-eyed man said to me. “Who is he?”

I shook my head. “He’s… He’s one of the men I heard on the other end of the ph-phone,” I stumbled over my words as they both approached me. “I—I don’t know why he’s here… He’s a security specialist—and he’s always doingveryirrational things,” I added, my voice quivering.

And I hope to God Lucas isn’t out there somewhere with him.

There was no way in hell I could see my partner approving of Tyson doing something like this. It was stupid and reckless.

“He doesn’t have any trackers on him,” Ghost Eyes continued. “He just came out here on his own accord? Because while I might believe that in some ways… I heard a third man’s voice on the other end of that phone—and you better fucking tell me who it is.” He closed the distance between us quickly, suddenly pressing his body against mine. His breath was hot on my face, sending a chill down my spine…

And of course, excitement jolted through my core.

“Who was the man?”

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to inhale the intoxicating scent of him. “It was… It was my partner.”

“Fuck!” Ghost Eyes slammed his fist into the wall beside me, not even phased by the bleeding knuckles he pulled away. “We arefucked!”

My eyes widened, not quite understanding the overdramatic reaction from him. “I-I-I doubt that Lucas sent him to get me tonight. It was probably a knee-jerk reaction. Tyson is known for that. Lucas thinks things out—like meticulously. He wanted me to hear his voice on the phone—”

“And he wanted you to hear the name,” the green-eyed guy said to Ghost Eyes, letting out a slight sigh. “He knows.”

Ghost Eyes looked like he might throw up—and that was something that completely caught me off guard. “Yeah, he must know. We gotta tell Viper.”

“And pronto.”

“I’m sorry,” I interrupted, my eyes searching Ghost Eyes’ face. “I was hoping they’d just do the drop and finagle the rest of the money. He… He’s too smart to go trying to pull off some stupid stunt like this,” I gestured to Tyson.

Before anyone could say anything, a phone rang out.

The green-eyed man dug out a cell phone and answered it. “Yeah?” His expression shifted to relief just before he headed to the stairs, his voice too quiet to make out.

“I’m sorry,” I said again, directing it to Ghost Eyes.
