Page 36 of Ruthless

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He whipped his head around to me, his knuckles dripping blood to the floor. “You’re not fucking sorry and don’t pretend like you are, princess.”

“I had no idea he was coming.”

“Right, but you were, what? Hoping that he was? You think that I don’tactuallyknow who this idiot is?” He took a few steps closer to me. “I fuckingstudiedyou, Rachel. I watched your every move. I know the men you’ve been with—and this guy? Yeah, I know he fucked you more than a few times.”

Anger burned in my chest. “So then why did you even ask me? Totestme? Test my loyalty? What did you want me to do? Ever since you kidnapped me, I have been cut off from the rest of the world. I havenoidea what is going on out there!” There was a desperation in my tone that I wasn’t proud of, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t care.

“You got him?” the other guy interrupted the conversation. “I got a sick kid that I need to pick up—and the drop was successful.”

“Yeah, I got this,” Ghost Eyes barked, turning back to him. “He’s going to be out for a long time.”

“Yeah, he is. That sedative has long kicked in now too. He won’t even wake up with a headache from the punch.”

“Nope,” Ghost Eyes quipped. “Hope your kid feels better.”

“Don’t kill him…yet,” he called back to him just before jogging up the steps.

My heart was pounding in my ears as the basement door shut, leaving me alone with Ghost Eyes and a very unconscious Tyson. His entire body was slumped over in the chair—and I wondered just how long of a conversation they’d had with himbeforebringing him down here.

“I mean it when I say that I’m sorry.” I didn’t know why I kept feeling the need to apologize, like I hadn’t withheld the information that I knew Tysonmighttry something. I had really hoped that Lucas wouldn’t let him… But my partner wasn’t the type to try and control anyone. For all I knew, Tyson could’ve snuck off without him knowing.

But regardless, I was sure that Lucas was not coming after him. If he wasn’t with him in the woods, he wouldn’t have come after the fact. He really did think things through—and he knew that the bikers just wanted their money.

“You need to tell meeverythingyou know about what might be happening.” His words snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I don’t know anything else. I only know I heard them on the other end of the phone when Chaz called—that’s all I know. I swear.”

He nodded, before coming back to me. However, this time, he left about a foot in between us. “So, do you know who I am?”

That’s a weird, confusing question.

I shook my head. “I know that you’re the enforcer for the Steel Heretics.”

He nodded, narrowing his eyes as he scrutinized my face. “But do youknowwho I am outside of that? Do you know my name? Do you know what I do? Do you know my past?”

Okay, now I was really confused—and I knew it was written all over my face.

“You don’t know.”

I shook my head. “I have no idea who you are. I don’t even know your name.”

He took a deep breath, but he didn’t move, nor did his expression shift. “I’m going to believe you when you say that.”

“Okay,” I said carefully, wishing I didn’t feel the chemistry exploding between us as his eyes flickered over my figure. “I have a question… Well, more of a request…”

He chuckled. “Brave of you making requests when you just almost got me killed.”

I stared at him in disbelief, my gaze rolling over his nearly flawless figure. “He looks like he got a beating—not you. The concrete wall did more damage to you.”

“Had the element of surprise,” he said. “I don’t think he knew we have cameras everywhere, which is surprising, considering he’s a security specialist.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s great at figuring out the best way to secure your place, but I don’t think he’s great at figuring out what other people have.”

He nodded, his eyes having grown a shade or two lighter. “The cameras out there were new, so they’re not on the same system as the originals.”

“Smart move.” My voice came out sultrier than I intended.

Ghost Eyes tongue ran along his bottom lip. “And what’s this request that you have?”
