Page 19 of Destined Soul

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“We all agree on that.” Levi nods his head. Before we left, Declan explained what hold Skinner has on him. I get why he was trying to protect himself but I’m mad that he was prepared to put his sister’s happiness on the line to do it. Me and Levi both swore that the secret will die with us. Dec’s old man is bedridden, there's no life left in him. God can judge him on what he did. And Declan shouldn’t have to suffer for it. He’s a good leader, and picking at old wounds ain’t good for no one.

“I wanna be the one to do it,” I tell them, hoping that Dec is gonna let me have it.

“He nearly killed my sister. He’s been blackmailing me. Tell me why I should let you have the privilege,” Dec speaks up, his eyes remaining focused on the trailer.

“Because I could have lost her too. And since I watched that footage of him being the cause of the pain she’s in right now, all I’ve thought about is making him hurt.”

“You really love her, don’t you?” He turns his focus on me and narrows his eyes.

“Yeah.” I let him know I’m serious.

“I’m gonna give you my blessing, but only on one condition.”

“Name it.” I wait for his terms.

“I want you to patch in. I want you to swear your loyalty to me and this club, and I want you to promise that you’ll never take her away from me.” He stares right through me and I see how much she means to him.

“I can promise you that, you know I want in, but I thought I had to prospect for a while before I patch in?” I look back at him, confused.

“Swear to me, you’ll take care of her, that you’d die to protect her and that as long as you live you’ll never hurt her. And you can consider killing that bastard your initiation.” Dec keeps a serious look on his face, while he awaits my answer.

“You got my word.” I hold out my hand to him and he grabs it firm and shakes before getting off his bike and leading us toward the trailer on foot.

We’re about 300 yards away when Levi holds out his arm to stop us.

“You smell that?” He sniffs at the air.

I take a deep inhale through my nostrils and smell gas.

“Son of a bit…”


I drop to the floor and Levi jumps across and covers Declan as the trailer explodes and bursts into flames. All I can hear is ringing in my ears as I stand back on my feet and check the others.

“Holy shit!” Dec manages to stand up after Levi gets off him and all three of us stare at the burning trailer. The ringing continues and I realize it ain’t in my ears anymore when Levi pulls his cell out of his cut and answers it on loudspeaker

“Levi, it’s Locke. I think someone should head over to the scrap yard.” I hear a panicked voice.

“What makes you say that?” Levi glances at us, suspiciously.

“Well, Skinner’s out there waiting for a drop-off and I just called him to tell him what happened to Mia, and he didn’t take it too well.”

Dec hasn’t let any of the other members know that Skinner was responsible for Mia’s accident yet. He didn’t want Skinner getting word that he knew and skipping town before he got his justice served. I figure him hearing from Locke about what happened to her, made him feel guilty enough to serve it, himself.

“Tell everyone I want a church meeting in an hour,” Dec speaks down the phone before Levi hangs up.

“Guess in his own fucked-up way, he really did love her.” Dec shakes his head and turns around, heading back toward his bike.

“I’ve been worried sick, where were you?” I breathe a sigh of relief when Jaimie opens the door and steps inside. He’s got black marks on his face, but I don’t care. He’s here, he’s alive and that’s all that matters.

“Sorry, your brother called church and I had to attend.” He's got a smirk on his face, and I suddenly notice that he’s wearing a leather cut.

“Did he…?”

“He did.” He grins back at me then, rushing to my bedside, he grabs my face in his hands and kisses me so hard I feel my head spin.

“But how? You have to prospect first, and that takes time.”
