Page 20 of Destined Soul

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“I made him a promise,” Jamie pulls away to explain, his eyes fixed on mine and making me want to get out of this bed and do dirty things with him.

“What kind of promise?” I swallow the lump in my throat. There are rules that the club takes very seriously, becoming a member is never easy.

“I promised him I’d take care of you, and that I’d never take you away from him.”

“What about the others? There has to be a vote.” I shake my head, trying to understand it all. I’ve known Prospects go years without getting the cut, some never make it.

“There was, and I made them all the same promise as I did your brother.”

I’m never one to cry and I blame the head injury for the tears that fill my eyes.

“So, you can stay and we can be together?” I bite my lip, thinking the words sound too good to be true.

“Yeah.” He nods his head before he kisses me again.

“Wait.” I push him away from me and shake my head in disbelief.

“Do you realize what you’ve signed up for? This club, you can’t be in and out. Once you're a member, you're a member for life. That’s a big commitment to make for a girl you hardly know.”

“It is, but I already know me and you are gonna be together, forever.” He's got a clever smile on his face that makes him look even more handsome.

“And how d’ya figure that out?” I laugh.

“Well, it started when I saw some crazy-ass girl dancing on a table in a bar. I thought I’d have to keep her in my dreams, and then I saw her on the side of the road looking like she was in trouble—”

“May I add that I was never in trouble? I had it handled.” I interrupt before he suggests I was the damsel in distress in his little story.

“I stopped in a town I’d never heard of because I was scared to face what I had to go home to, and when that same girl walked into the bar where I was drinking, I started believing.”

“Believing in what?”

“In fate.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“You believe in fate?” I laugh. Jamie may have seemed a little softer to the guys I grew up around when he first came here, but I’ve seen a change in him. I saw the look on his face when he left here earlier to find Skinner, and I don’t know what’s happened yet, but the fact he’s wearing a Dirty Soul cut proves my brother’s seen that change too. Dirty Souls don’t believe in fate, they write their own future.

“Well, I’m a believer in it, and if that’s what brought me to you…” He leans closer so his lips touch my ear. “...I’ll fucking worship it too.” His whisper makes my body tingle with excitement, and I grab his face in my hands and kiss the hell out of his lips. Taking his hand in mine, I guide it under the covers and place it over my pussy.

“Mia, I am not fucking you in a hospital bed, while you have a concussion. Your brother may be understanding about this, but if he catches us, he’ll send me to hell,” he warns.

“I like the way this looks…” I take the lapels of his leather cut in my hands and drag him closer.

“You're gonna be the death of me.” He shakes his head, and the smile he gives me tells me I’m gonna get exactly what I want.

“Don’t blame me, Jekyll. Blame fate.” I wink, before I drag him all the way to hell with me.
