Page 3 of Destined Soul

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“I got it taken care of,” the guy assures me sarcastically, and when I get to my car and open the driver’s door I hear her voice call out to me.

“Wait…” I turn around to see her rushing after me. Her hand reaches out and touches my arm and I feel my skin prickle.

“Good luck with your folks, handsome.” She winks at me, the same way I winked at her last night in the bar, then turning her back, she quickly runs back to the guy who came to help her.

Before I pull back out onto the road, I watch her climb into the cab of the tow truck in my rearview mirror.

I should have asked for her number, or at least tried to find out her name or where she’s from.

I guess some things just aren’t meant to be.

“Can I get a word with ya?” My brother Declan clears his throat when he interrupts the conversation I’m having with my best friend, Beth. It isn’t until I notice her and her boyfriend, Levi, staring at me that I realize I’m the one he wants to talk to.

“Get the boys ready to ride out to the Steadman Ranch, I’ll join ya in ten,” Declan instructs Levi, before his attention returns to me and he gestures his head toward the stairs that lead to his office.

I don’t jump to attention, like everyone else around here does for him. I take my time, finish what's left in my glass and then get up to follow him.

My brother took over as President a few years ago after Daddy retired. Yes, he can be overprotective, but I know it only comes from love. I don’t claim to be an easy person to look after. I know my own mind, and in the past, that’s gotten people hurt. The picture he’s got of him, Levi and their friend, Ryan, on his desk is a reminder of that every time I step into this room.

“You got that serious look on your face.” I sit down in the chair opposite his and await what’s coming. If this is a lecture on how I acted at the bar last night, I’m ready for it.

“It’s good seeing Levi and Beth happy, ain’t it?” He starts, and I can already sense this is leading to something I won’t like.

“Yeah, it’s great.” I nod in agreement.

“You ever think about settling down yourself?” He tries too hard to make the question sound casual, and the fact he pulls out a bottle of tequila and two glasses from under his desk proves this is about to get deeper.

“One day, maybe. If I find the right guy.” I shift uncomfortably in my chair.

“How about you?” I deflect his question.

“Me? Nah, I’m married to the club. I don’t wanna be the kind of husband Pa was.” He pours us both a generous measure before handing me the glass.

“Skinner came to me a few nights ago, and asked how I’d feel about him taking ya out.”

I laugh so hard that I spray a mouthful of tequila all over my brother's desk.

“C’mon now. Skinner ain’t a bad guy.” When I see the seriousness on my brother’s face my laughter instantly stops.

“Skinner? Dec, he’s like, fifty.”

“He’s thirty-one.” Dec shakes his head at me and tops up his glass. “And I, for one, think it’ll do ya some good.”

“And what the hell makes you think that? What happened to the wholenobody touches my sistercode that you’ve been ramming down your brothers’ throats since I spouted a pair of titties?” I knock back my drink and slam the glass on the table

“Yeah well, I figured if anyone is gonna be doing any touching I’d rather it be someone I trust.” The way he shrugs his shoulders and pouts his lips make me want to throw the glass at his goddamn face.

“This is about Ryan, isn’t it?” I stand up and get to the nitty-gritty. “Ever since I told you what really happened that night, you’ve blamed me for him being dead.” Tears almost choke me and the weight of guilt clusters like a heavy fist in my stomach.

“I don’t blame you at all. Ryan was protecting you, which is exactly what I’d expect any one of my club brothers to do.”

“But he wouldn’t have had to protect me if I wasn’t with them.” I say out loud what I know he’s thinking, and the sad look he hits me back with confirms I’ve hit the nail on its head.

“This ain’t about the past, Mia. It’s about the future. Skinner would take care of you. He’ll protect you and he’ll treat you with respect. It’s what I want for you. It’s what Pa wants for you and it’s whatyoushould want for yourself.” His words sound final, but he should know me better than that.

“What Iwant, is to be with a man who I love.”

“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, this is a small town and you ain’t leaving it. There ain’t many men out there who could handle you, and if you found one who could, who's to say I’d let him.” He folds his arms across his chest and waits for my next comeback.
