Page 4 of Destined Soul

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You're being a dick, you know that?”

“I’m being a big brother,” he answers flatly, knocking back his drink. The red rims around his eyes suggest he hasn’t been sleeping, and just lately I’ve noticed how edgy he’s been. I know my brother, he’s a reasonable man, and this behavior is out of character.

So, being the understanding, kind sister that I am, I decide I’ll play along. At least, until I figure out what's happening.

“All I’m asking is for you to give him a chance.”

“Fine!” I spit out the word like it tastes bad.

The way my brother lifts up his head and his eyes swell with shock proves he was expecting more of a fight.

“But you can tell Skinner, if he wants to take me out, he’s gonna have to find the balls to ask me himself,”

I head for the door so I can get the hell out.

“Where you going?” Dec calls after me.

“To get a drink from somewhere that ain’t here.” I slam the door behind me and take the back exit so I don’t have to explain myself to anyone else.

You're a pussy, Jamie Anderson. I hear my own voice in my head, as I stare at the drink I’m clutching at the bar.

I only managed another forty minutes of traveling after leaving the girl. When I saw the sign for Springdale, I told myself I’d only stop for a coffee and toilet break. But here I am, four hours later, sitting in the bar next to the motel I checked into, debating if I should drink myself numb, or get back in my car and continue my journey home.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re stalking me.” When I hear that sweet, sexy voice I quickly spin my head around and she’s there. She’s standing right beside me with lips I still wanna kiss and hair I’m desperate to touch.

“What areyoudoing here?” I can’t help sounding shocked, one chance meeting with this girl was strange enough, but two? That’s pure fucking fate.

“This is my town, handsome. And since you still got that sad look on your face I’m taking it you bottled it on telling the folks.” Her eyebrows raise disapprovingly.

“Figured I’d give them one more night thinking they had a son to be proud of.” I’m fully aware of how pathetic I am. I need to get off the subject.

“Now, I already know you don’t take rides from strangers, but do you let ‘em buy you drinks?” I lick my bottom lip as I watch hers rise into that smile I haven’t been able to get out of my head.

“We ain’t strangers no more, we’re friends now.” She nudges me with her shoulder before I signal the bartender to pour two more bourbons.

“You know, of all the places you could have picked to stop off at, you picked a pretty boring town.” She twists her body so her back’s against the bar and looks out into the barren barroom.

“It’s not looking so boring from this angle,” I tell her, wondering how the bourbon would taste on her lips.

“Smooth.” She nods her head at me like she can tell what I’m thinking, and the smile on her face spreads a little wider.

“You get your car fixed?” I ask, quickly finishing up my drink to catch up when she downs hers in one swallow.

“It’s in the garage, should be ready in a few days.”

“And how are you getting home tonight?” I check, already deciding that I need to know everything there is to know about this girl.

“I’ll walk my ass across the street to my brother’s clubhouse.” She tips her head at the bartender to order us another round.

“So, that guy who picked you up today was your brother?” Explains why he was looking at me like he’d happily do time just for the privilege of breaking my bones.

“No, that was one of his club brothers. Declan’s the president, he doesn’t do any dirty work, mainly spends his time drinking at the club.”

“Must be a cool way of life.”

“Sometimes it can be, but on nights like tonight it ain’t.” The girl suddenly looks lost in her thoughts and I decide that tonight is gonna be all about having a good time. We can pick up whatever mess we have to deal with in the morning.

“What’s your name?” In my head, I’ve given her about a hundred, but none of them seem good enough.
