Page 16 of Rekindled Soul

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“Three days too long. Next time, I’m coming with you.” She kisses me and nips at my bottom lip with her teeth.

“Old ladies don’t go on runs.” Mia rolls her eyes.

“Nor do prospects, these days.” Dec laughs. I glance over to Jekyll who’s sitting at the bar with a beer. It won’t be long before he’s back in action, but I can tell from the scowl he’s making that it can’t come soon enough.

“I have some news.” Ava takes a deep breath, and I can tell from the look on her face that she’s excited.

“Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” Beth squeals.

“No. I’m not pregnant.” Ava raises her eyebrows at me and blushes, and it makes me want to bend her over the table and make sure that she is. “But I did get that job I applied for in Hurricane,” she announces proudly. I pick my girl back off her feet and lift her up onto the bar.

“That’s fuckin’ awesome.” I kiss her, not giving a shit that all my brothers are watching. When Ava made the decision to stay in Utah with me, I knew that she’d be giving up a lot. She may have come from money, but she’s worked hard to study to be a lawyer. There was no way I was gonna let her give up on making it. The fact she got a job so quickly only proves that nothing will hold her back.

“Well, it’s a good job you ain’t pregnant, then.” Mia laughs as she places herself on Jekyll's knee and taps the bar to get Wendy’s attention.

“Shots all round, we’re celebrating.”

“Did ya speak to your mom while I was gone?” I check, knowing Ava’s finding it hard to connect with her family after what happened with Scott. The club let her make the decision about what happened with Josh, and she decided Josh's family deserved to know the truth. That's why we went to the police, and we told them everything, except the part where I killed Scott and we tossed him in the lake, of course. Our version of the story had Scott getting away after we found Ava. Of course, the sheriff in Springdale won’t have bought that shit, but the evidence is all there to tie him to Josh's murder, and there ain’t a single scrap that will tie me to his.

Ava’s parents are feeling bad about not seeing Scott’s obsession before. She hasn’t spoken much about how they feel about her moving here, and if they don’t like it, they'll have to get used to it. It don’t matter how different the worlds we come from are, now that I got her back, I ain’t ever letting her go again. Nothin’ is gonna stop me from making my girl happy.

I wait until the club are gathered round, and when Dec gives me the nod, I reach over the bar and grab what he needs.

“Since we’re all here and we got a drink in our hand,” Prez gets everyone’s attention.

“I think it’s time we welcome our new member.”

All my brothers are wearing smiles as they look at Jekyll while he cluelessly scans the room.

“Since you came here, you’ve proved your loyalty. You’ve taken a bullet, and there’s no way I can have my sister datin’ a fuckin’ prospect any longer. Jekyll, you're a brother.” Dec takes the cut outta my hands and passes it to Jekyll, who stands up from his stool, shakes Prez’s hand, and quickly shrugs outta his prospect cut.

He works his way around us with a huge, proud smile on his face, and when he gets to me, I toss his hand away and pull him in.

“I won’t ever forget what ya did,” I speak into his ear.

“What? Laid bleedin’ out on the floor while a psycho got away with your old lady?” He laughs at himself.

“Nah, brother. You’d have stopped him if ya could’ve, and ya paid a price for it. I owe ya for that.”

“Don’t owe me a thing.” He winks before heading over to celebrate with Lucky and Bulletproof.

“You know, I could really get used to this place.” Ava slips her hand into mine and rests her head on my shoulder dreamily.

“We’re a million miles from Paris, darlin’, and this sure as shit ain’t the Four Seasons,” I remind her, lookin’ round the room at the people I call family.

“All that shit’s overrated.” She smiles at me seductively, before stretching on her toes to kiss me.
